Digital UMADAOP Lucas County Booklet


How To Use:

The Signs of a Pain Pill Overdose: • FACE is clammy to touch and has lost color. Difficulty speaking. • BODY is limp. Fingernails or lips have a blue or purple tinge. • SLEEP is deep and cannot be woken. • BREATHING is slow or has stopped. • HEARTBEAT is slow or has stopped. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY CALL 911 • Locate Free Vending Machine • Read Instructions • Retrieve Naloxone • Prepare the Nasal Spray • Position the Person On Back • Administer the Nasal Spray: Insert the tip of the nasal spray into one nostril until your fingers touch the bottom of the person’s nose. Press the plunger firmly to release the spray. Repeat the process in the other nostril if a second dose is required.

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