King's Business - 1929-06


YOUR OPPORTUNITY T o do some missionary work by introducing The King’s Business to your friends. Show them the article by Dr. Page on “The Greatest Verse in the Bible.’’ You w ill find it in this issue. If your friend is a young person turn to the “Heart to Heart Talks w ith our Young Readers” by Mrs. Whitwell. These talks deal w ith the vital problems that are met by high school and college students who are continually coming in con­ tact with subtle teachings that undermine faith in God and in God’s Word. D on ’t forget the children. Introduce them to a study o f the stars w ith Mrs. Meader, by the Cross-word Puzzle method. Th is is a unique way to teach the Gospel to the children. Are you reading the Gospel o f Mark with Mr. Hopkins? The Spiritual truths brought out in his comments w ill be both stimulating and helpful in your study o f the Word. Never was the need greater for strong Evangelical Christian Literature that carries conviction with it. Help us to get The King’s Business into the hands o f your Christian friends. We w ill be glad to send a sample copy to any o f your friends upon request. Ask for the copy containing the message by Dr. Mark Matthews entitled, “The Four Essential Controlling Doctrines o f the Christian Church” or S e n d A S ix M o n t h s ’ T r ia l S u b s c r ip t io n a t 50 c . For sending in five o f these trial subscriptions we w ill mail you free o f charge a book written by the late Dr. R. A. Torrey entitled T h e R e t u r n o f T h e L o rd J e su s (Sold at the Biola Book Room 75c each, postage extra) Get this Book and let Dr. Torrey’s Messages Stay w ith You. Send Your Subscriptions to THE KING’S BUSINESS 536 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif.

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