King's Business - 1929-06

June 1929


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K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

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Strik ing Stories o f God ’s Workings GATHERED THIS MONTH FROM BIOLA WORKERS

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Answered Prayer in the Seamen’s Work S OR several years Claude Pearson, Superintendent of the Seamen’s work, has been praying for an assistant in his work. Just recently the Lord has graciously answered his prayer in giving to him Captain Price, a veteran seaman and fine Chris­ tian worker, to assist in this work. Captain Price for the salvation of these men. He assists in the mission at San Pedro and deals with the men who come off the ships, so the work is greatly multiplied. Recently Mr. Pearson boarded a ship and began to talk to the Japanese officer who sat in one of the rooms. The man seemed rather shy. “I sat down on the sofa and began talking to him,” said Mr. Pearson, “and asked him if I might read some Christian literature to him. He began to apologize and told me that he had accepted Christ some months before when we had given the Gospel mes­ sage but that he had backslidden. Because he realized that he was in a backslidden „condition he had not been par­ ticularly anxious to see me. We talked for some time and tried to bring him back to the Lord but were not just sure how far we got him. Later we had the privilege of witnessing and bringing a message to a company of Japanese. However, the Japanese are not the only nation­ ality reached this month. The Dutch, Danish, Canadian, English, German, French and many other nationalities are to be found on the different ships, and we had the joy of reaching many of them,” Work Among the Jews T HE Jewish Department has recently had the addition of new workers, thereby multiplying the work, and still more recently has been able to reach more Jewish people through a new mission that they have opened in the Boyle Heights district. The mission was given by two Christian women who were interested in Jewish work, one giving the lot and the other the house. Three club meetings are being held there each week—one a Boys’ Club for Jewish boys. The work is still being carried on out in the Temple Street district, and a very definite work in the Brooklyn Avenue District. These are all Jewish centers and are hard fields but fruitful ones. Rationalistic Jews seem to be hard to deal with and the workers have had some very hard cases recently, but the Lord has given grace and wis­ dom and the attitude of some of them has been changed. Mr. Cooper’s book, “The Eternal God Revealing Him­ self,” is being widely circulated and is being used of the Lord in many cases to get Jewish Rabbis, doctors, law­ yers and other professional men to consider the claims of Christ. It is written for the Jewish scholar and his every doubt and objection is anticipated and dealt with in the book. Many of the letters received—after the book has been read—are cheering and encouraging. Some very strong letters have been received by Mr. Cooper from those who style themselves “uncompromising Jews.”

About 1,400 copies of the book have been distributed thus far, and God is richly blessing this ministry. Pray that many intellectual Jews who have turned a deaf ear to Christian teaching may be reached through the book, as they read it in the quiet of their homes and libraries. —o-~ Encouraging Interest in Missions M ISS CHRISTINA BRASKAMP, a most enthusi­ astic member of the Extension Department, has recently had some very interesting experiences in her work. Miss Braskamp was for years a missionary in China and is being detained in the homeland for a time. Her heart is just full of missionary spirit, and because she knows the foreign field and has such a heart-stirring mes­ sage she has been able to awaken many young people to an interest in going to the mission field. Many of the young people are planning to enter the Bible Institute for training and then, after graduation, will go to the field that the Lord is leading them to. “Just about a month ago,” said Miss Braskamp, “a lady in a church near Los Angeles told me of her concern about her daughter. Her daughter was interested in noth­ ing but dancing and her mother’s remonstrances were of no avail, for she considered her mother ‘old-fashioned’ and queer. The mother had been praying so earnestly for her daughter and felt that perhaps the Lord could use me in some way to win her to Himself. A short time after­ ward we had a meeting for the young people in the church which the mother attended. About 85 young men and women were present—most of them high-school gradu­ ates. At the close of the message the assistant pastor asked if there were any among the group who would accept Christ as Saviour. Among those who rose and responded was the daughter of this praying mother. The daughter definitely gave her heart to the Lord and joined the church on Easter Sunday. “I was asked to speak at a banquet in one of the large churches in the city. A hundred •women were gathered there and the president apologetically explained that many' of the women had engagements and would leave imme­ diately after the business meeting. It was a polite way of explaining that they would not be interested in the mes­ sage. The Lord overruled and every one stayed.” Miss Braskamp has been greatly inspired by the fine missionary spirit of ' the Bible Institute* Students. Many of them are looking forward to the foreign field as soon as they graduate, and they’ are eager to hear all that Miss Braskamp can tell them about the field and its needs: She has been greatly used, not only in the extension work but also in the mission classes in the Institute itself. ; •' . ■: —0—r . ; Souls Saved in the Shops M R. STUCHBERY of the Shop Department is prais­ ing God for His blessing in that work. “The Lord is good to us,” he Said. “Several men have definitely ac­ cepted Christ as their Saviour. We thank God for the interest shown in the shop work.

knows how to deal with the sailors and has a real burden

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