June 1929
T h e
K i n g ' s
B u s i n e s s
Girls’ Glee Club Tour P ROF. TOVEY, in speaking of a recent trip of the Girls’ Glee Club, said: “First, it was interesting to note the influence of the trip upon the girls themselves; second, the' influence upon the people in the homes where they were entertained; and third, the influence upon the public groups to whom they sang. “This trip especially proved of value to the group, thirty-one in number, for they were brought together in a new way. It helped them realize what real Christian love and cooperation was, and they sang in that spirit. “The testimonies during the morning devotional periods held in the various churches revealed an influence of blessing among the friends who took them in for the night. In one of the homes there lived a woman who had formerly been a Christian, but later had been led to con sider spiritism. One of the girls was able to lead her back to the Lord, and she gave herself wholly to Jesus Christ. “One day Mr. Mapes, who entertained the group at his Riverside Cafeteria, arranged to have the group go to Mt. Rubidoux. They ascended the mountain, and upon reaching the top, some business men who had driven them up, said to them, ‘Isn’t this lovely?’ as they were taking in the beautiful scenery. But the girls had their eyes on the cross, and walking over to it, sang, ‘When I Think how They Crucified my Lord.’ This act doubtless left a lasting impression on the group of men, and perhaps eternity will reveal some real decisions made by them because of the day’s experience.” •—o--- Easter Conference of Euodia Clubs There shall be showers of blessing, S O sang the girls in the Euodia groups before the Easter Conference at the Pacific Palisades—and this prayer was abundantly answered. The Conference was held March 25-27, the first three days of the Easter vaca tion, and though abundant showers of rain preceded the Conference it only made all nature fresher and more flower-decked for the occasion, and the only showers dur ing the three days were showers of blessing, poured out upon the Conference at each meeting and all during the time. The Conference theme was “Acknowledge Him,” and it was indelibly imprinted upon the hearts and minds of the girls as each message exalted and set forth some new truth, or some familiar truth with new force and power. The Conference was all built around the desire and en deavor to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ in every phase of the program, whether by the messages, the music, the recreation or the social life in the groups. The Holy Spirit surely took of the things of the Lord and showed them unto us. Special mention should be made of the messages, for they were exceptionally fine and Spirit-directed. Miss Myrtle Scott gave a splendid talk, the opening message of the Conference, on “Stand By, Please.” Mr. Addison Raws, of Keswick, New Jersey, gave two inspiring mes sages that stirred the hearts of the girls and greatly in spired them to rise to higher ground spiritually. Mr. Raws is an accomplished cornetist and his cornet solos were great blessings also. Other speakers, each bringing a won- Send them upon us, O Lord! Grant to us now a refreshing; Come and now honor Thy Word.
“Yesterday we went out to one of the hardest places to Speak. The men listened very attentively, and you could have heard a pin drop. “Two years ago I went to visit two boys from San Bernardino who were in the Santa Fe hospital. I went into a room there and on one of the beds 1 heard a man breathing heavily. I went to him and knelt down beside him. He looked up and his prayer was this, ‘Oh, Lord, if You will restore me to my loved ones and family, I will go where You want me to go, and do what You want me to do.’ “Last Sunday at a church in the suburbs of Los An geles I chanced to see this man in the audience. I said to him, ‘What are you doing up here ?’ He replied, Tve come here just for the Easter service. I ’ve got something to tell you. One of the boys is sick at the Santa Fe hospital. Will you go over this afternoon with me and see if we can lead him to the Lord ?’ We went and tried to deal with him. On Tuesday I went again. He did not come out as a Christian, but I believe he is coming. Will you pray? “This man whom the Lord restored is now planning to study for the ministry.” “Biola” a Blessing to Students O NE of the young women who recently entered the Bible Institute as a student, at a recent report lun cheon said: “Just last night one of the other girls and I got to talking about the reason why the Lord led us here this year. And we found so many reasons, it seemed, for the joys we were experiencing. “There are just three things I should like to speak of. The Master in His great intercessory prayer in St. John’s Gospel, said, ‘That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us.’ That was the first thing that impressed me. When I came to the Bible Institute I had a curious idea. I had many friends here, but I rather expected to find others some how different, or queer. But the first thing that impressed me was the manifest presence of Christ. They showed it in the spirit of kindliness and thoughtfulness when we came. “Second, Peter wrote, ‘Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.’ I had many painful memories of not being ready to give an answer to those who questioned me. I attended a large state university and many times I found the need of being able to answer those who asked me the reason for my Christian faith. How many times I found that my testimony was so weak and poor when it could have been strong. One afternoon I was having a discussion with a friend, and this friend asked, ‘How could God break His law in order that Christ should come to this world by a miracle ?’ And there were many other questions which would come up concerning the Bible. “Third, Paul the apostle summed up his life’s ambi tion—‘That I may know Him.’ That’s the best reason for coming to the Bible Institute. All other things would be dead things without that knowledge. They are presented to us, if we will but take them. That is my ambition, ‘That I may know Him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conform able unto his death.’ ”
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