King's Business - 1929-06


June 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

ing down her face, she said, ‘Yes, I will.’ We knelt down together in prayer, and she said, ‘I accept Christ as my Saviour.’ We arose from our knees, and with a shining face she said, ‘How I wish my boy would come too,—he is twelve years old.’ The boy was in school at the time. But a week or two later he came to Sunday school, and before long he was taken into the church. The mother is now one of the faithful members of the Bible Class. “Think you not it pays to go into the highways and the byways and compel them to come in?” Men’s Glee Club Tour AT a recent report meeting, Prof. J. B. Trowbridge, jt\-D irecto r of the Music Department, told of a trip taken by the Men’s Glee Club during the Easter recess, taking occasion at the same time to say something about the beginnings of the Glee Clubs. “The work of the Glee Clubs,” said Mr. Trowbridge, “has come to be an important element in our school. We began with the Men’s Club twelve years ago, singing locally, and six years ago we made our first trip out of the city. We traveled then in a fleet of Fords, and on one occasion were honored with the presence of a Buick in our midst. Since then we have traveled in large busses, carry­ ing the banners of the Institute and taking a stock of Gos­ pel songs with us, singing the Gospel everywhere. One Gospel song, ‘I Want My> Life to Tell for Jesus,’ is sung on every program, and has come to be called our ‘motto’ song. “On our recent trip the first stop was made at New- hall. The pastor of the church there has been called the ‘Shepherd of the Hills.’ It was this church that suffered most in the disaster caused by the breaking of the St. Francis Dam. There is no other church within a radius of fifteen miles, so this pastor is all the shepherd they have. Next morning we drove over the mountains to Bakersfield, where we gave two assembly concerts for the Kern County High School and Junior College. “Our itinerary took us as far north as Modesto whpre we sang for a union pre-Easter service conducted by the leading churches of the city. But the climax of the trip was at the Rev. Paul Rood’s fine new tabernacle in Turlock, which was crowded to the doors. The reception given us by Mr. Rood’s church on every northern trip of the Club, demonstrates their friendship for the Bible Institute. We sang at the high school also in the forenoon. It was grati­ fying to observe how the students responded to the sing­ ing of the Club. “We sang in many other churches also,- some of them presided over by former Bible Institute students. For ex­ ample, at Ducor, where Carl Derfeldt is pastor, and then two hours further on we took dinner at Woodville with Urban Hall, a former student. In the evening we went on to Benard Mason’s church at Orosi, and then to Tulare, where we gave our closing service in the Methodist Church. The boys voted to drive home after the concert— 180 miles—which we did, arriving in time for breakfast, after a safe and pleasant trip.” — o —

derful message and making a rich contribution to the Con­ ference, were Miss Christina Braskamp, Mr. John A. Hubbard, Mr. John Hunter, Miss Henrietta Mears, and Miss Anna Gleason. The Conference was under the leadership of Miss Elizabeth Merritt, Director of Euodia Clubs, and the Institute hour each morning was led by her. Miss Merritt outlines the course of study for the clubs, and it was espe­ cially helpful to have the review of the lessons and addi­ tional helps on the lessons previously covered. It was a delightful hour each day. In spite of the fact that the age limit of girls eligible to attend the Conference was raised so that only high- school and Junior high-school girls attended, there were nearly 450 girls in attendance. The grammar-school girls will have a rally at a later date and a fine group of younger girls will meet in separate session with a program which will meet their needs as definitely as did this pro­ gram the needs of the older group. The Conference would have been in vain had we not had the joy of seeing definite results in soul-winning, sur­ renders of lives to the Lord’s plan for them, and victories of a very definite nature in various lines. Several girls accepted Christ and there were many who publicly stated their desire to let the Lord plan their lives, and to go wherever He leads. I t seemed that almost every girl in the whole Conference took a new stand and was determined, by His grace and in His strength, to lead a consecrated life that will not only be a blessing to herself but will be a blessing to all with whom she comes in contact. We are praising God for all that He did during these three days, and we know that He will finish that which He has begun. There shall be showers of blessing, If we but trust and obey; There shall be seasons refreshing, If we let God have His way. Faithful Sowing Rewarded I T is out in one of Southern California’s beautiful val­ leys that we have our work, carrying on systematic Bible study, and holding forth the Word of Life in club room, church, and home,” said one of the Bible Women who works in that section. “We also carry on a systematic visitation work. It was in the latter form of service that, on a recent afternoon, we found one little mother who never went to church. We had prayed much before we went to call on this mother. When we came she received us very cordially, but during our conversation she persisted in talking of the latest magazines and novels she had read. I listened carefully and attentively, and after a while I said, ‘Have you read the greatest Book, the Bible?’ She replied, ‘Yes, but it is so hard to understand, and there are so many seeming dis­ crepancies,—and it isn’t interesting to me.’ ‘But if you had the real Teacher who could reveal the marvelous won­ ders of the Book, would you accept Him as the Teacher, and Lord of your Life?’ She answered, ‘I don’t know.’ “We opened up the Word of God to her, and then, feeling the right moment- had come, I said, ‘Will you accept the truth as revealed in this marvelous Book, and accept the One who paid your debt on the Cross of Cal­ vary?’ ‘Well, I will try,’ she said. ‘No, but He offers it as a gift. Will you take it as a gift ?’ And with tears stream­

What is the greatest verse in the Bible? See page 263.

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