June 1929
T h e
K i n g ' s
B u s i n e s s
H o m il e t ic a l H e l p s
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V--------------------------------------------- f READY BIBLE OUTLINES *>------------------ -------------------4 Choose You This Day J o s h . 24:15 I ntro . One of the greatest, if not the greatest responsibility in life, is our ability to choose. - jf Motive in Choice 1. Self-centered. Example: Lot. Gen. 13:10. 2. God-centered. Example: Abram. Gen. 13:14-18. II. Necessity of Choice We cannot serve two masters. Matt. 6: 24. III. Elements in Choice. V. 14. 1. Fear of the Lord. 2. Sincerity. 3. Truth. 4. Separation from evil. IV. The Essential Choice Jesus Christ. Acts 4:12. V. Urgency in Choosing “This day,” v. 15. VI. The Result of Choice 1. The Foolish Choice. Gen. 19:23-25. 2. The Wise Choice. Gen. 13:14-17. C o n c l . Having made our choice, we are not free to choose what the results of that choice shall be. Cf. Gal. 6:7, 8. ' -r-0— God's Delight in Obedience 1 Sam. 15:22 I ntro . One of the outstanding charac teristics of the present age, is disobedi ence. What displeasure must be brought to the heart of God by this condition! I. No Substitute Will Take the Place of Obedience. 1. Sacrifice is not sufficient. 1 Cor. 13:3. 2. Obedience to ecclesiastical authori ties, contrary to God’s revealed will, is not acceptable. Acts 4:19, 20. 3. Obedience to any man must not come before obedience to God. Acts 5:29. II. Obedience 1. Should be from the heart. Rom. 6:17. 2. With Diligence. Deut. 11:13. 3. Should be manifested in the life of the believer. 1 Pet. 1 :14, 15. 4. With Delight. Ps. 40:8. III. God’s Delight in Obedience is Mani- ■ fested in Making His Promises to the Obedient. 1. The Good of the Land. Isa. 1:19. 2. Protection. Ex. 23:22.
2. Peace with God means satisfaction. Phil. 4:6, 7. The Result I s : (a) Peace in the heart. Psa. 37:37; 119:165. (b) Peace in the home. Isa. 54:13. (c) Peace on the throne. Psa. 29: 11; Isa. 66:12. When a man’s ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. Prov. 16:7. — A. D. Ellington. T SENTENCE SERMONS T *---------------------------------- -----------4 Real supplication will sap the vitality from the body and leave us tired and spent — o — We can never have power until we are implicitly obedient to all that we know of God’s will regarding our own personal lives. — ■ o—■ It is an actual impossibility to receive the Holy Spirit while grasping anything that God has banned and conscience has already judged. —o— We cannot go forward until we have confessed our past failure and present helplessness. — o — To believe in Christ is to belong: to Christ, to be owned and controlled by Him. : • — o — To claim God’s promises is faith in ac tion. Faith at rest is dependence upon the fulfillment of those promises. — o — It takes adversity to make some people, and just a little success to ruin some others. — o — Any man who has made a success in life must have been willing to pay the price. — o — The purpose of service is to bring bless ing to others. — o— We cannot be the instrument in saving others without losing our own lives in sacrifice. — o — As soon as we cease to bleed we cease to bless.
Se lf 3. Their Well-Being. Jer. 7 :23. 4. A Great Name, Gen. 12:1-4. C o n c l . The supreme example of obe dience is that of our Lord, who was obe dient even unto death. Phil. 2:5-8. — o — Blessed Are th e Peacemakers Matt. 5 :9 I. The Prince of Peace 1. The Lord Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Isa. 9:6. 2. His first advent was a proclamation of peace. Lk. 2:14. 3. At His departure, His bequest was one of peace. John 14:27. 4. His sacrifice made for us peace. Rom. 5:1; Col. 1:20. 5. His Word has provided for us a condition of peace. Phil. 4:6, 7. II. The Price of Peace 1. Having made peace through the blood of His cross. Col. 1 :20. (a) His was a living sacrifice (2 Cor. 8 :9) ; rich . . . became poor . . . that we might be rich. (b) Being reviled He reviled not again. 1 Pet. 2:23. 2. Present your bodies a living sacri fice. Rom. 12:1. (a) Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow in His steps. 1 Pet. 2:21. (b) Endure grief, suffering wrong fully. 1 Pet. 2:19. (c) If ye do well and suffer . . . acceptable. 1 Pet. 2 :20. III. The Power o f Peace 1. Peace with God means salvation. Rom. 5 :1.
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