June 1929
T h e
K i n g ' s
B u s i n e s s
Pioneers for Christ T H E divinely given passion in the heart of Paul was to preach the Gospel in “the • regions beyond’* so that in those places where Christ was not named” there the Mes sage of Life should be given. Today this passion should dominate the life and direct the service of every follower of Jesus Christ. Nearly one-half of the people now living on the earth have never heard of the love of God or of a Saviour who died for them and rose again. The Christian and M issionary Alliance is fully committed to the work of world-wide evangelization. O ur present share of the har vest field lies in more than tw enty countries and principal colonies and includes about 65,- 000,000 people, mostly pagans and Moham medans. Many other fields await the messengers of Christ. Scores of tribes, each with their own separate language or dialect, should be en tered with the Gospel. O ur responsibility includes: Preaching the Gospel in 34 languages Translating the Bible in 8 languages Actively seeking to enter other tribes and language groups in French West Africa French Congo Southern Philippines Laos Tonkin Eastern Siam Among Indian tribes in South America Last year 1,589 converts were baptized in our Congo Mission, 939 in French Indo-China, 125 in Japan, 153 in India and many in the other fields. A monthly Prayer Letter is mailed to those who desire to share in prayer and intercession for world-wide missionary ministry. Address THE CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 260 West 44th Street, New York, N. Y. Cartoon Tracts Aboriginal tribes in China. God is blessing and prospering. They Tell the Story At A Glance. THE TWO CALLS: Jesus Calls—Death Calls and many other tracts. Send 10c for 50 assorted tracts or 50c a lb., all prepaid. Joakim Tract Society, Inc., Dept. “K” 105 W EST FOUR TH ST., TOPEKA, KANSAS U pon req u est. I’ll m ail w ith o u t cash o r o b li gation, inform ation a b o u t th e forthcom ing revised, an d g reatly enlarged, fo u rth edition of th e “ HARMONY OF TH E LAST W EEK ,” co n tain in g fresh inform ation and new in te r p re ta tio n s n o t easily o b tain ab le on th e su b je c t of P assio n W eek. EUGENE C. CALLAWAY P. O. Box 1875, ATLANTA, GA. SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ative E vangelists an d B ible W om en w ho are being su p p o rted fo r from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 fo r a year. W rite Rev. H . A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 G reen A ve., B rooklyn, N. Y., fo r free lite ra tu re .
whether you find Him at home, and really .catch sight of His face; talking to God through an interpreter—through the min ister, or the sacraments, or the hymn-book —but knowing nothing of real and inti mate personal conversation with Him— this is not acquaintance with God.” — o — June 21 —“Thy will he done" (Matt. 6: 10 ). What strange ideas men have about the will of God! They clasp their hands, and turn up their eyes, and say with a groan: “God’s will must be done,” as though that will were the destruction of all that is fair and desirable and joyous in their lives. When shall we learn that God’s will is our perfect happiness? All that is evil, all that is distressing in life, is due to the fact that His will is not done. Our crosses are produced by the human will running at an angle with the divine will; our sorrows, our pains, our sicknesses, are the result of sin (not always of our own sin, but of sin nevertheless). Heaven is a place of absolute happiness simply be cause there the will of God is accom plished, and that perfectly. If we desire to taste the blessedness of heaven below, we should pray: “Thy will be done.” Some sweet singer has sung: June 22 —“Singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” (Col. 3:16). Remember your life is to be a singing life. This world is God’s grand cathedral for you. You are to be one of God’s chor isters, and there is to be a continual eucharistic sacrifice of praise and thanks giving going up from your heart, with which God shall be continually well pleased. And there should be not only the offering of the lips, but the surrender of the life with joy. Yes, with joy, and not with constraint. Every faculty of our nature should be presented to Him in gladsome service, for the Lord"Jehovah is my song as well as my strength.— W. Hay Aitken. — o — June 23 —“Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing o f the church unto God for him” (Acts 12:5). Here is a strange story! People praying and incredulous when their prayer is an swered ! Why do you think that Peter’s friends were so unbelieving? And Thom as—what kind of a “door” was his? What did he lose by refusing to accept the tes timony of others? How far do you think that we ought to accept the testimony of others? How do people close their doors to God’s answers today? Did you ever do it yourself? Here is a good rule to keep. After pray ing, open your door and scrutinize care fully all who come to it. God’s answers often come disguised. Upon God’s will I lay me down, As child upon its mother’s breast; No silken couch, nor softest bed, Could ever give me such deep rest. Let us cease to talk about the will of God as though He were a giant ogre seeking to torture us, rather than a loving Father longing for our good.
“No wonder the world questions the value of prayer when believers themselves manifest such practical unbelief in it, show such slowness in recognizing an swer. If Rhoda had not stuck to her assurance, if Peter had grown impatient or afraid of capture and had gone away, the answer to their prayer would have ‘failed’—but the fault would all have been on man’s side, not on God’s.” —o— June 24—“Jesus wept” (John 11:35). That was part of Jesus’ way of com forting Mary—He wept with her. He en tered into full, deep sympathy with her in her grief. This is the shortest verse in the Bible; but few verses, however long, re veal so much. It is a window in Christ’s breast, showing us His very heart. This is the way the risen, glorified Christ feels for us and sympathizes with us in our griefs. We must not think that He has changed in passing from earth into heaven, so that these tender qualities have been lost out of His life. He is the same now in heaven that He was that day when Mary lay at His feet and He wept with her. He is with us in our sorrows, and sympathizes with us in every grief we have. I f is a great deal to have even a human friend enter into our experience and weep with us in our Sorrow. It brings into our loneliness a sense of companion ship. It puts another shoulder under our load. But when it is Christ that cares, is touched, weeps with us, and comes up close beside us in tender affection, it is comfort indeed.— f. R. Miller. June 25— “Nevertheless, not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42). “My little boy was very ill. The doctors held out little hope of his recovery. I had used all the knowledge of prayer which I possessed on his behalf, but he got worse and worse. This went on for several weeks. “One day I stood watching him as he lay in his cot, and I saw that he could not live long unless he had a turn for the bet ter. I said to God, ‘O God, I have given much time in prayer for my boy and he gets no better; I must now leave him to Thee, and I will give myself to prayer for others. If it is Thy will to take him, I choose Thy will—I surrender him entirely to Thee.’ “I called in my dear wife, and told her what I had done. She shed some tears, and handed him over to God. Two days afterwards a man of God came to see us. He had been much interested in our boy Frank, and had been much in prayer for him. “He said, ‘God has given me faith to believe that he will recover—have you faith ?’ “I said, ‘I have surrendered him to God, but I will go again to God regarding him.’ I did; and in prayer I discovered that I had faith for his recovery; From that time he began to get better. It was the ‘soul- cling’ in my prayers which had hindered God answering; and if I had continued to cling and had been unwilling to sur render him, I doubt if my boy would be with me today. “Child of God ! If you want God to an swer your prayers, you must be prepared
tor Your Church Organization GOTTSCHALK'S METAL SPONGE «*«*.U.S. PAT- OFF. ^theM odem Dish Cloth* —WRITEFORFIIILINFORMATION— SPO N G E S A L E S C O R P O R A T IO N
W hat is the greatest verse in the Bible? . See page 263-.
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