King's Business - 1929-06

June 1929


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

I healed its wounds and each morning It sang its old sweet strain, But the bird with the broken pinion Never soared as high again. A man who in prison came to know the power of Christ to forgive sin, wrote on the fly-leaf of the prison Bible in his cell a verse for this poem: But the soul that comes to Jesus, Through failure, shame, and pain, By His wondrous love and mercy, May soar as high again. Is there anything that pleases you more than to be trusted,—to have even a little child look up into your face, and put out his hand to meet yours, and come to you confidingly? By so much as God is bet­ ter than you are, by so much more does He love to be trusted . . . . There is a hand stretched out to you,—a hand with a wound in the palm of it. Reach out the hand of your faith to clasp it, and cling to it, for without faith it is impos­ sible to please God.— Selected. — o — June 30— “It is good for me that I have been afflicted" (Psalm 119:71). Gethsemanes have deeper and grander meanings than Canas. The richer natures are the suffering natures. Give me for a friend one who, “with strong crying and tears,” has battled with trial at midnight, and in thicker darkness of soul has prayed in agony, like Ajax, for light. Shallow and loose-rooted is the tree that has known only sunshine, and never felt the wrench and shock of the gale. God, who loves us like a father, though he pities, would rather that we patiently bear our burdens than be free from them. Paul tells us, “There was given to me a thorn in the flesh. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said unto me, My grace is suffi­ cient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”— M. J. Savage. — o — July 1— “The Lord will command his lov­ ingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me” (Psalm 42:8). God could have kept Daniel out of the lions’ den, but instead He kept him in the lions’ den. God could have kept the He­ brew children, out of the fiery furnace, but instead He permitted the flames to burn off their fetters and then He Him­ self came down and walked with them in the fire. He could have kept Paul and Silas out of the Philippian jail, but He elected rather to bless them in the jail until the prison became an Ebenezer to their souls. God could translate all His saints, as He did Enoch and Elijah, so that they should not see death, but rather He has planned to walk with them through the valley of the shadow so that they will fear no evil, and to bring them from that deep depression on up to the mountains of everlasting bliss. If God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, it is but a temporary expedient; for His per­ manent plan is to give the lamb power to grow a thick coat of wool which will June 29— “Without faith it is impossible to please Him" (Heb. 11:6).

to follow the footsteps of ‘our father Abraham,’ even to the Mount of Sacri­ fice.”— Chas. H. Usher.

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June 26—“ Thou hast known my soul in adversities" (Psalm 31:7). Hard places teach us to pray and con­ strain us to be much alone with God. They drove Jacob to his knees at the fords of Jabbok. They taught David to find “the secret place of the Most High.” They made the life of Paul one ceaseless dependence upon the presence of his Lord, and they have inspired as well as sus­ tained the divine communion which most of us have learned to prove as the su­ preme resource and solution of our lives. It is very humbling that it should be true that God must press His children to His breast by suffering and need; but it is, alas, too often the case that ease and com­ fort lead us to at least a partial indepen­ dence of Him, and our most spiritual seasons and the times that have brought God most near have been times of which we could say, “Thou hast known my soul in adversities.”— A. B. Simpson. —o— June 27—•" Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established" (2 Chron. 20: 20 ). Thel peoples of the far side of Jordan came up to battle against Judah. The king sought the Lord; consulted with Him; his petition is a masterpiece of pleading; he threw the whole weight upon God. They knew not what to do, so they did the right thing. Then Jahaziel felt the stirrings of the prophetic spirit, and gave the people the assurance of victory, of victory with­ out a blow. The people had but to stand still, and in prospect of the invasion how magnificent was that attitude. They were just to stand still. On the morning of the battle Jehoshaphat, the king, strengthened the host by memorable words which may be literally rendered, “Trust in Jehovah your God, and ye shall be trusted.” The singers sang the song of tne ’trusting hearts, “Praise the Lord, for Hjsj^ijiercy endureth for ever.” The victory was given. For three days they gathered the spoil; the fourth there was more praise. They' had gone out with praise, trusting, they, came back with praise and spoil, trusted. Remember that God’s ways are the same in all.ages. “The heart that trusts forever sings, And feels as light as it had wings, Come good or ill.” The trusted soul is the soul that is trusting, and the trusting soul is the soul that is trusted. The trust, in its inter­ change, becomes stronger and stronger.—■ Rev. W. Y. Fullerton. —o— June 28— “Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry" (2 Tim. 4:11). Mark made good after his failure. Many years ago a poem was written, the first verse of which ra n : I walked by the woodland meadows, Where soft the thrushes sing, And found, on a bed of mosses, A bird with a broken wing.

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