June 1929
T h e
K i n g ' s
B u s i n e s s
defend him against the winter’s blasts. Our God could undoubtedly provide for us a life free from all these things, if this were His election, but rather He has chosen to permit to us the wonderful min istry of adverse environment in order to the more fully endear Himself unto us.— J. Wilbur Chapman. July 2— “He learned obedience by the things which he suffered” (Heb. 5:8). No memory is so hallowed, no memory is so dear, as that of temptation nobly withstood, or of suffering nobly endured. What is it that we gather and garner up from the solemn story of the world, like its struggles, its sorrows, its martyr doms ? Come to the great battle, thou wrestling, glorious, marred nature! . . . . Come to the great battle, and in this mor tal life strike for immortal victory! The highest Son of God, the best beloved of heaven that ever stood upon earth, was “made perfect through suffering” ; and sweeter shall be the cup of immortal joy for that it once was dashed with bitter drops of pain and sorrow; and brighter shall roll the everlasting ages for the dark shadows that clouded the birth-time of our being.— Orville Dewey. —o— July 3— “And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, and made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me” (Isa. 49:2). Have you heard the parable of the dia mond and the wheel? It is recounted as follows: “Alas!” cried a diamond to the wheel upon which it was being cut. “Here I have been tortured for the last three days. What a misfortune it was that I ever came your way!” “Say not so,” replied the wheel in en couraging tones. “The last stone which came to me was so rough and dull that you could scarce tell it was a diamond; but when I had done with it, it was placed in a king’s crown.” “A king’s crown!” exclaimed the as tonished stone. “And do you think that I shall ever adorn the brows of a king?” “It is quite possible; but if not allowed to enjoy so great an honor, you may find some other exalted and brilliant position; but you will never see the glories of a royal house unless I do my utmost for you.” “Then grind away,” said the gem, as it nerved itself to endure the trial. “I’ll stand it if it means an increase of beauty and promotion.” —o— July 4— “Be careful for nothing” (Phil. 4:6)'. “The crosses we make for ourselves out of our faithless anxieties about the future, are not the crosses the Lord ever com manded us to take up.” “The eagle that soars in the upper air does not worry itself as to how it is to cross rivers.” “I do not know what GOD has planned to come to me today: I only know that He has promised me to be my stay,
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