Saskatchewan Crown Collaboration Report 2022-23

Teams in Transition:

10. Project Delivery

12. Red Tape Reduction / Customer Service Enhancement

Originally comprised of a project expeditor office component (PEO) and a project management expertise component (PME), this team’s workload has evolved and become part of other strategic initiatives. The PEO has become a sub-committee of the Investment Attraction Working Group, allowing better communication and follow-up on projects from inception to utility service dates. The PME continues within SaskPower as they facilitate ongoing training sessions across the Crowns and government.

This team was transitioned to the Ministry of Trade and Export Development (TED) at the end of 2022-23 as its mandate complemented TED’s existing Regulatory Modernization/Red Tape Reduction initiative.

13. Indigenous Engagement

Recognizing the significance and scope of this team, Indigenous Engagement has become a stand-alone initiative. Under the sponsorship of Crown Investments Corporation (CIC), the now re-titled Advisory Council on Indigenous Reconciliation (ACIR) will focus on outcomes related to the TRC’s Calls to Action, particularly #17, #57 and #92. In addressing these Calls to Action, the Council will encourage proactive engagement of the Crown and government sectors from an economic reconciliation perspective, while supporting and promoting meaningful progress towards equity, inclusion, and participation in the economy.

11. Printing Opportunities

This team is now a sub-committee of the Shared Strategic Procurement team, enabling better alignment across government when procuring printing services.


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