Saskatchewan Crown Collaboration Report 2022-23

Collaborating for Improved Customer Service In 2022-23, Collaboration focused on ways to reduce red tape and improve customer service experience when individuals or businesses access government or Crown services. The goal for the year was to implement eight initiatives within the public sector that save time and/or money for customers. The eight initiatives implemented are: ExpressAddress enhancements, standardization of SaskWater supply agreements in Saskatoon area, a change to SGI’s annual overweight permit policy, SaskEnergy’s new on-line customer portal, SaskEnergy’s appointment window enhancements, SaskWater’s software for collecting and communicating water quality data, SaskPower’s bill redesign project, and SGI’s photo ID pilot project for at-risk youth. Below and on the next page is further detail about three of eight initiatives implemented.

ExpressAddress Enhancements

ExpressAddress allows customers to transfer, connect or disconnect services and update their addresses with multiple organizations at once from their desktop or smart devices, providing convenience to residents and businesses when moving. This service is the result of collaboration between SaskPower, SaskTel, SaskEnergy, SGI, City of Regina and City of Saskatoon. It delivers enhanced customer experience to Saskatchewan residents by saving them time and avoiding duplication of effort. Improvements that took place

this year included: functionality that reduces manual entry required by users; reminders for users when they have unsubmitted requests; updated fields to ensure data accuracy for organizations; streamlined registration, sign in, and password reset processes; visual and user interface changes to improve credibility and usability; functionality that allows users to edit their requests after submission; and an improved export process and format that provides operational efficiencies to organizations.

Standardization of SaskWater Water Supply Agreements in Saskatoon Area

SaskWater and CIC collaborated to standardize water supply agreements in SaskWater’s Saskatoon Service Area to enhance customer experience. CIC’s legal team worked with SaskWater to create a standardized water supply agreement that is easy to read and understand by SaskWater customers. The standardized agreement saves time and creates consistency to ensure all customer negotiations are fair and equitable.


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