Saskatchewan Crown Collaboration Report 2022-23

Collaborating as One Team The Collaboration Strategic Initiative Teams grew to include 32 participating agencies, including CIC Crowns, Ministries, Treasury Board Crowns and Government Agencies. Challenged to encourage economic growth that benefits the people of Saskatchewan and support the province’s strong financial management, the 13 teams came into their own during their first full year of operation, striking a balance between sustaining regular responsibilities and advancing government priorities.

Team Highlights:

1. Investment Attraction Working Group (IAWG)

Sample Highlights of the year:

» All Crown utilities are collaborating on the creation of a utility corridor to provide service for the future utility loads of Viterra and the Integrated Agriculture Complex (Federated Co-operative Limited and AGT Foods). The goal of the collaboration is to minimize the impact to land while maximizing the opportunity for all customers in the area to plan their project knowing where utility services will be located. With the collaboration completed, all three customers have confirmed the land required for the corridor will not impact the situation of their plants. » Cargill’s new canola crushing plant at the Global Transportation Hub near

The IAWG is working to foster a competitive business environment for private investment and a stronger Saskatchewan by ensuring coordination among government agencies, providing leadership and reducing barriers to economic development. The team’s efforts this year have helped facilitate $1.88 billion in investments over 29 projects – exceeding the goal of $1 billion – with more potential opportunities already in the pipeline. Major investment projects typically unfold over the course of several years. This year’s collaboration efforts included significant work with previously announced projects now entering the construction phase, and with new projects beginning engineering and design.


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