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SHE SAID/SHE SAID CONTROVERSY IN SIMARD PC CAMPAIGN The provincial election is about two weeks away and now controversy has struck at the campaign of Progressive Conservative candidate Amanda Simard. Rachel Theriault sent out an email to all media May 18 stating that she had resigned as a member of the Simard campaign team. Theriault identified herself as the secretary for the Glengarry-Prescott-Russell PC execu- tive and the campaign’s technology manager and stated that she could no longer continue in either position “due to a number of ethical and moral conflicts” which she cannot accept or resolve for herself concerning both the local campaign itself and the party’s current leader, Doug Ford. Thériault stated she will now support Liberal candidate Pierre Leroux. “The rationale for my decision is multi- faceted, including Doug Ford’s antiquated policy to deny media and debate requests;” stated Theriault, “the inequality between English and French in their priorities; the continued dirty politics committed by the Simard Team during this campaign; my personal concerns and loss of faith in our local candidate; and finally, my absolute disgust in the coup that was done to Patrick Brown by members of the Ontario Progres- sive Conservatives. Unfortunately, these are issues I cannot look beyond any longer.” A request for comment from media resulted in an email from Simard stating that Theriault was not a member of her campaign team. “There were some initial discussions Les élections provinciales ont lieu dans deux semaines environ et une controverse a maintenant frappé la campagne de la candidate progressiste- conservatrice Amanda Simard avec la démission de Rachel Theriault, un ex-membre de l’équipe Simard, à cause de «conflits éthiques et moraux». —archives about having her on the team but we later decided she would not have been a good fit due to her behaviour,” stated the Simard FNBJMi8JUIUIBUEFDJTJPO XFUPPLTUFQT last month to ensure she had no access to any party data. To be clear, Rachel has never actually worked on this campaign team.” “Upon reading that (statement), I was insulted,” said Theriault during a May 22 phone interview. “I had been a member of Simard’s team before she received the (candidate) nomination. I had access to the Progressive Conservative database for that purpose, so I do not understand how I could not have been a member of her team.” Theriault is now a member of the Pierre Leroux Liberal campaign team, involved in strategic planning and priorities and part of the “war room” group preparing for the June 7 election day gathering.

C’est confirmé, Yves St-Denis ne portera pas les couleurs du Parti libéral dans la circonscription d’Argenteuil pour l’élection du 1 er octobre 2018. L’Association libérale d’Argenteuil officia- lisera plutôt la candidature de son ancien président, Bernard Bigras-Denis, lors de son assemblée d’investiture, qui se tiendra au Club de golf L’Oasis, le vendredi 25 mai pro- chain. Le président actuel de l’Association, BIGRAS-DENIS CHOISI LE CANDIDAT LIBÉRAL D’ARGENTEUIL


Dominic Chartrand, a confirmé à L’Argen- teuil qu’il y avait un seul aspirant candi- dat confirmé dans la course. « Pour moi, la politique, c’est une question de cœur, d’engagement et d’appartenance. La volonté de servir son prochain et les inté- rêts supérieurs des Québécoises et des Québécois requiert du courage et de la détermination. C’est exactement ainsi que j’entends relever le défi pour ma région, mais




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Lachute’s Bernard Bigras-Denis was selected as the LIberal candidate for the upcoming provincial elections. —photo Facebook

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Meilleur Choix Sécurité Lorsque équipé du freinage d’urgence autonome et des phares avant à DHI, disponible sur les véhicules fabriqués après le mois de mai 2017 et offerts en option.

aussi pour ma famille et mes concitoyens d’Argenteuil », a déclaré M. Bigras-Denis sur sa page Facebook. — Evelyne Bergeron

Modèle SX Turbo TI illustré ‡

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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 PAS D’ACCUSATION POUR FRANCIS DROUIN Le Service de police régional de Halifax aurait confirmé, mardi dernier, qu’aucune accusation n’a été déposée contre le député libéral fédéral de Glengarry-Prescott-Russell Francis Drouin, a rapport é Radio-Canada . Ce dénouement conclurait l’enquête portant sur une agression présumée, qui aurait eu lieu le mois dernier au centre-ville de la capitale de la Nouvelle-Écosse, à proximité de l’endroit où se déroulait le congrès du Parti libéral du Canada. M. Drouin avait nié toute implication et avait contribué pleinement à l’enquête. – Caroline Prévost

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