Band Shoppe 2019-20 Catalog

WRIST LENGTH COTTON GLOVES 15100 | $2.20 pr | Sizes: XS–XL • 100% cotton • Machine washable Choose White or Black

Wrist Length Cotton Gloves worn by Jubal Drum Corps, the 2018 Drum Corps Europe Champions

N PRICE .20 dz

ze and color

DOZEN PRICE $ 27 .00 dz per size and color

LONG WRIST COTTON GLOVES 15150 | $2.35 pr | Sizes: XS–XL • 100% cotton • Eliminates gaps between cuffs and wrists • Machine washable Choose White or Black

LONG WRIST PINK COTTON GLOVES 15150 | $2.95 pr | Sizes: XS–XL

• Show your support for breast cancer awareness • 100% cotton • Machine washable • Supplies are limited – Order Early

PRICE .20 dz

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month





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