Company Business • Refers to all activities undertaken in the course of Company operations, whether conducted on or off Company Sites. Company Sites • Includes all places where Company Business is conducted and includes, but is not necessarily restricted to the following: (a) all facilities, land, property, structures, installations, vehicles (including personal vehicles used for Company business) whether owned or leased by the Company, and equipment owned, leased, operated or otherwise directly controlled by the Company, operated under the direction of the Company, or under the Company's operating authority; and (b) all worksites where Employees are carrying out Company Business, whether or not such site is owned or leased by the Company. Disability • Means a disability as defined by human rights law. EFAP • Means the Company’s Employee and Family Assistance Program. Employee • Means all full-time, part-time, temporary, and seasonal employees of the Company including students. Fit for Work/Duty • Means being able to safely and acceptably perform assigned duties, including while assigned to standby, call-out or overtime work, without any limitations due to the use or after-effects of Unauthorized Substances and/or Unlawful Substances. Human Resources • Means the Company's Human Resources department located at Head Office in Regina, Saskatchewan, and includes those individuals in the Human Resources department who are from time to time assigned the responsibilities of Human Resources under this Policy. Lawful Substances • Means substances, which an individual may lawfully possess or use, but which can impair physical or mental capacity. These include over-the-counter medications, controlled substances (prescription medications) for which the individual has a valid prescription, Cannabis and Alcoholic Beverages.
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