Drug and Alcohol Policy Standard for Contractors

4. Unable to Test As noted above, if a breath alcohol test cannot be conducted within 8 hours of an initial request for a test or an incident, or a test for Unauthorized and Unlawful Substances, excluding alcohol, cannot be conducted within 32 hours of an initial request for a test or an incident, the Manager should cease attempting to obtain a sample. In these situations the Employee will be held out of service for at least 24 hours (with pay), and an investigation will take place to the Company’s satisfaction. The Employee will not be allowed to return to work for the Company without written permission from Human Resources and will be required to adhere to any conditions governing his or her return. 5. Return to Work and Unannounced Follow-Up Testing After Policy Violation or Treatment In any situation where employment is continued after a violation of this Policy, individuals will be required to pass testing for Unauthorized and Unlawful Substances, including breath alcohol testing, before returning to work. In addition, the Employee will be subject to unannounced testing for a period defined by an SAP, under the terms of a Return-to-Work Agreement. Where an Employee has been treated for a Substance Use Disorder through the workplace and is returning to work after treatment upon approval from the treatment provider and Human Resources, their return will be subject to an aftercare program, the terms and conditions of which will be established by an SAP. The aftercare program will be designed by an SAP to support the Employee as he/she works to successfully manage a Substance Use Disorder after treatment. As part of this managed program the Employee may be subject to follow-up (unannounced) testing, while being permitted to return to work. The duration of time when the Employee may be subject to unannounced, follow-up testing will be determined by an SAP, and will be documented in a Return-to-Work Agreement between the Company, the Employee, and the Employee's certified bargaining agent, where applicable.


Testing Procedures

1. Specimen Collection A Testing Agent designated by the Company will collect and process breath, urine and/or saliva specimens to test for Unauthorized Substances and Unlawful Substances, as required. All testing must meet or exceed the guidelines and standards of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration which is the certifying agency for forensic drug testing laboratories in Canada and the United States. The methods of testing for Unauthorized Substances and Unlawful Substances include: 1. Urinalysis with a screening test.

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