DCNHT: Mount Pleasant Guide


    a Neighborhood Heritage Trail begins with the community, extends through story-sharing and oral history gathering, and ends in formal scholarly research. For more information on this neighborhood, please con- sult the resources in the Kiplinger Library/The Historical Society of Washington, D.C., and the Washingtoniana Division, DC Public Library. In addition, please see the following selected works: Francine Curro Cary, ed., Urban Odyssey: A Multicultural History of the Nation’s Capital (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2003). Jimmy Dean and Donna Meade Dean, Thirty Years of Sausage, Fifty Years of Ham: Jimmy Dean’s Own Story (New York: Berkley Books, 2004). James M. Goode, Best Addresses: A Century of Washington’s Distinguished Apartment Houses (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1988.) Constance McLaughlin Green, Washington, 1800–1950 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1962). Mark Opsasnick, Capitol Rock (Xlibris, 2002). LeRoy O. King, Jr., 100 Years of Capital Traction; the Story of Streetcars in the Nation’s Capital, (College Park, Md.: Taylor Pub. Co., 1972). Gail Spilsbury, Rock Creek Park (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003).

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