VCM. Hip, Leg, & Knee Pain

Overcoming Hip, Leg, & Knee Pain

Photo: Vineyard Gazette

Yourhips,knees,and lower legsare tough—but injurieshappen.Your hipsandkneesare large joints thatsupportyourbody’sweight.They work in close coordination, giving us the mobility we need. Pain can occur from arthritis, injury, or age. If you’re experiencing hip, knee, or leg pain, call us to schedule a closer look. What Causes Hip, Knee and Leg Pain? Hip, knee and leg pain are surprisingly common. While the source canarise fromvarious issues,anewstudyshows that72%ofhipand knee pain originates from your lower back. If you are experiencing pain in any part of your leg, pinpointing the exact spot can help you determine the cause. Vineyard Complementary Medicine has pinpointed several leading causes of hip, knee, and leg pain. While many causes exist, the most likely are:

cushion as cartilage may wear down, so it is important to maintain good strength in supporting musculature. What Are the Symptoms? While leg pain is noticeable by an array of symptoms, several come to mind. Aching, stiffness, and a decreased range-of-motion around the hip, groin, back, or thigh may be a sign of deeper problems within your joints. Sometimes, inactivity and overactivity can lead to instances of pain. If you’re limping, lurching, or are experiencing bad balance, contact us to schedule a consult. While some hip, knee, and leg pains go away quickly, those lasting longer than several days may be hinting at a deeper issue. If you are having trouble completing recreational activities or activities around the home, let us know if we can help.

• Tendonitis • Pinched Nerves • Osteoporosis

• Arthritis • Overused Muscles • Muscle Weakness • Sprains and Strains

Sources pain

Whilesomecausesaremoresevere thanothers,aphysical therapist can identify your cause of pain. As the body ages, joints have less

Call Vineyard Complementary Medicine at 508.693.3800 to schedule your appointment today!

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