Kirkland & Ellis brochure 2024/25

Newly Q ualified Associate (former Kirkland Trainee) Ed Mort First seat: Litigation Second seat: Corporate Third seat: Debt Finance Final seat: Investment Funds

I decided to choose Corporate as my specialism upon qualification, however it was a tough decision! I really enjoyed all four of my seats, but ultimately Corporate appealed to me most.

In Corporate, you need to keep many plates spinning and new things can crop up at any point. However it is your involvement in lots of different workstreams which helps you to make connections, problem spot and highlight any opportunities to the associates and partners you’re supporting. In each of my seats I learnt about business as much as the law. Although what was really valuable was asking the right questions. For example, why are we doing things this way? Or what business goal is this supporting? When you see the senior partners in action you can tell they’re trusted advisors, not only about the law but business. They provide general counsel. Qualifying as an associate will feel like a bit of a jump, but thankfully collaboration and support doesn’t stop once you’ve moved on from being a trainee. Everyone at Kirkland really does take care of you.

I remember on my first day as a trainee, an associate gave up three hours of their time to show me around and introduce me to my new colleagues in the team. I then felt much more confident walking around the offices to ask if there was anything I could do to help. No matter what route you’ve taken to get onto the training contract, it’s a level playing field when you get here. You all start at zero. So for me, doing a history degree instead of a law degree wasn’t an issue. In the interview process, what the partners are really looking for is an understanding of what Private Equity is, and why you think you’re suited to this kind of work. On top of that the most important thing is to be yourself! Remember you’re on a huge learning curve when you get here and with each new seat you embark on. Stay humble. Acknowledge you’re not the finished product yet. Ask questions, show interest in everything and get involved. People will respect you for that and help you to learn as much as you can.



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