Kirkland & Ellis brochure 2024/25

“Graduates need to show us why they’re right for this firm.”

All of this is possible

When we interview we look for graduates who’ve got to know our business and understand the kind of work we do. Then we look for their excitement about doing it. There are common traits among the people we hire. Intelligence, focus, a commercial outlook. They’re independent and capable of managing themselves. But we also look for personalities that will fit with our open culture, mix well with our clients and engage fully with colleagues at all levels of the firm.



These are the people who will make partner at around six years post qualification experience.

“We pride ourselves on giving trainees responsibility. That’s how they learn. That’s how they grow. We encourage them to think things through for themselves. Empowering them by letting them try things first, rather than just telling them the answer. Always inspiring them to be better.” Jennifer Feng (Trainee 2010–2012, now Investment Funds Partner)

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