DCNHT: Shaw Guide


   the Shaw Heritage Trail Working Group: Denise Johnson,chair; Paul Williams, historian; Windy Abdul-Rahim, Barbara Adams, Sylvia Albritton, Ramona Burns, Theresa DuBois,Helen Durham,Peter Easley, Priscilla Francis,Lynn French,Timothy Helm, Robert Hinterlong,Ken Laden,Rebecca Miller, Shirley Mitchell, Honorable Alexander Padro, Peggy Parker,Patricia L.Plummer,Tony Robinson,Laura Schiavo,Krista Schreiner,Chris Shaheen,Rev.Rusty S.Smith,John Snipes,Mary Sutherland,Franklin Tinsley,Laura Trieschmann, Eloise Wahab, Rev. James D.Watkins, Judy Williams, Ron Wilmore, and Deborah Ziska. And also to Karen Blackman-Mills,Mildred Booker,Carmen Chapin,Lori Dodson,Norris Dodson,Emily Eig,Dick Evans,James M.Goode, James.H.Grigsby,Linda Levy Grossman,David Haberstich,Faye Haskins,Bishop John T.Leslie, Ellen Locksley,Gail Rodgers McCormick,Mark Meinke,Lee Ottenberg,John H.Pinkard Jr., Elissa Powell,Charles Price,Marian Pryde,Paul Pryde,Guillermo G.Recio,Heather Riggins, Bridget Roeber,Eva Rousseau,Paul Ruppert, Stephanie Slewka,David Songer,Steve Strack, Constance P.Tate and especially Kathryn S. Smith.

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