DCNHT: Southwest Guide


     of a unique group of historians and history makers, all of whom were generous with their time, their knowledge, and their talents. Special thanks to Southwesters Margaret Feldman, Jo s eph Owen Curtis, Cavaliers Men’s Club, G ene Cherri co, Carl Cole, Carolyn Crouch, Dorothy Kornhauser, Phyllis Martin, Larry Rosen, Gottleib Simon, Arthuryne Taylor, Moral Trent, Elaine Wender, Sheila Witkowski, and Gary Young. Historians, a rchivists, and libra r- ians made essential contributions: Lisa Bentley, Irene Alexander, Peggy Appleman, Judy Capurso, Howard Gillette,Faye Haskins, DonA.Hawkins, Kim Holien, Herbert Holmes,Lucinda P.Janke, Carole Kolker,Susan Lemke,Keith Melder, Mimi Minarik, Mary Moran, Gail Redmann, Christine Ro u rke , Vanessa Ru f fi n , Ryan Shep a rd , Wen dy Turman, and Keith Washington.

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