The Book Collector - A handsome quarterly, in print and onl…

O ffering an exceptional selection of fine and rare books and manuscripts in all areas, from medieval times through the twentieth century. We specialize in illustrated material, particularly the work of William Blake and his circle, children’s books, medieval illuminated and text manuscripts; English and American literature, fine bindings and fine printing. J O H N W I N D L E A N T I Q U A R I A N B O O K S E L L E R


A new exhibition space in San Francisco dedicated to works created by the influential 19th century poet, artist, and engraver. Featuring original works and prints of unparalleled quality, displaying Blake’s range and many of his most iconic images.

49 Geary Street, Suite 233 (Gallery Suite 232) San Francisco, CA 94108 // (415) 986-5826


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