WGS Jan-Feb-2025 Layout FinalDigital ME

Integrity in Journalism, spoke on the current state of American journalism, where contrarian voices are deemed unpalatable and shunted aside. The business portion of Monday concluded with a Featured Session on Sustainable Packaging, hosted and moderated by Western Growers Senior Vice President, Science Dr. De Ann Davis and Western Growers Vice President, Federal Government Affairs Dennis Nuxoll. Panelists included Jenet De Costa, Senior Director of Public Affairs, Driscoll’s; Kevin Kelly, CEO, Emerald Packaging; Ron Lemaire, President, Canadian Produce Marketing Association; and Dave Podesta, Director of Quality Assurance, Sysco. The panel offered a realistic, science-based look at the usage of plastics in the modern food supply chain and spoke about the regulatory pressures that stand to impact the industry. Monday night’s parties began with the VIP Sponsor Reception in the North Garden, where Stuart Woolf, Chair of the Western Growers Board of Directors, recognized each sponsor in the Diamond, Platinum and Gold tiers and thanked them for their invaluable support. Sponsors in attendance had the opportunity to network and form key industry relationships with the Western Growers Board of Directors. Attendees wrapped up the night by heading up to the resort’s Mummy Mountain Old West town for the rip-roarin’ Party with the Partners . Partygoers at the Boots and Roots Hoedown were

Carol Chandler accepts award for 20 years of service to the Western Growers Board of Directors.

Conversation with WG President and CEO Dave Puglia and Bari Weiss at the PAC Lunch

Elliot Jaramillo snaps a selfie with PAC Lunch speaker Bari Weiss

Party with the Partners — Boots and Roots Hoedown!

Party with the Partners — Boots and Roots Hoedown!

Party with the Partners — Boots and Roots Hoedown!

17 Western Grower & Shipper | www.wga.com January | February 2025

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