Evaluation of Sterify Gel as an Adjunctive Treatment to Sca…

International Journal of Dentistry


Treated sites (Sterify gel + SRP)




Pretreatment 3 months

ð a Þ

Control sites (SRP only)




Pretreatment 3 months

ð b Þ F IGURE 4: Bacterial contamination of speci fi c bacteria strains was assessed through qPCR of samples obtained with probe collection in (a) treated and (b) control sites. On the Y -axis, “ − ” means negativity (no colony-forming units, CFU); “ Æ ” means low positivity (up to 104 CFU); “ + ” means moderate positivity (between 105 and 106 CFU); and “ ++ ” means high positivity (between 106 and 107 CFU). “ Aggregatibacter actinomycetem ” is short for Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans . Error bars show SEM.

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