Evaluation of Sterify Gel as an Adjunctive Treatment to Sca…

International Journal of Dentistry


Acknowledgments This research was funded by the manufacturer Sterify S.r.l. The authors wish to thank Omar Sabry (Sciently) for his support in the draft of the manuscript. Supplementary Materials The supplementary material accompanying this manuscript comprises additional tables containing a comprehensive compilation of clinical parameters obtained during the clini- cal trial, including change vs. pretreatment conditions in pocket depth, gingival recess, clinical attachment level, pla- que index, degree of mobility. Supplementary tables also describe bleeding index and bacterial contamination in details. Table S1: clinical outcomes measurement between the study groups compared with pretreatment conditions. Table S2: frequency of bleeding sites between the study groups. Table S3: number of observations and frequency of bacterial contami- nation (all bacteria strains). ( Supplementary Materials )

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