DCNHT: Georgia Avenue Guide

Grand re-opening of Quality Music (later named Waxie Maxie’s), 1836 Seventh St., 1948. Afro-American Newspapers Archives and Research Center

Bettye Gardner and Bettye Thomas, “The Cultural Impact of the Howard Theatre on the Black Community,” Journal of Negro History, vol. 55, no. 4, October 1970. Laura Cohen Apelbaum and Wendy Turman, eds., Jewish Washington: Scrapbook of an American Community (Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington, 2007). David F. Krugler, “A Mob in Uniform: Soldiers and Civilians in Washington’s Red Summer, 1919,” Washington History , vol. 21, 2009, 48. Matthew Pinsker, Lincoln’s Sanctuary: Abraham Lincoln and the Soldiers’ Home (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003). Harry G. Robinson III and Hazel Ruth Edwards, The Long Walk: The Placemaking Legacy of Howard University (Washington: Howard University, 1996). Juan Williams, “14th and U,” The Washington Post , February 21, 1988.

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