DCNHT: Georgia Avenue Guide

5. A Self-Reliant People: Greater Deanwood Wood-frame houses evoke this traditionally African American neighborhood’s rural past. See where Nannie Helen Burroughs and Marvin Gaye made their names. Minnesota Ave. to Metrobus U8 (Capitol Heights) to Sign 1 at Division Ave. south of Nannie Helen Burroughs Ave. 6. Civil War to Civil Rights: Downtown Follow the footsteps of Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Walt Whitman, and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose lives intertwined with the history of the nation. Download the free audio tour from CulturalTourismDC.org. Archives-Navy Mem’l-Penn Quarter. Sign 1 on Seventh St. across Pennsylvania Ave. 7. Village in the City: Mount Pleasant Trace the path from country village to fashionable streetcar suburb, working-class neighborhood, Latino barrio, and hub of arts and activism. Columbia Heights. Two blocks west to Sign 1 at 16th and Harvard Sts. 8. Midcity at the Crossroads: Shaw Immigrants and old-timers, the powerful and the poor have mingled in Shaw since DC’s earliest days. Mt. Vernon Square/7th St–Convention Center to Sign 12. 9. River Farms to Urban Towers: Southwest Visualize historic, ethnic Southwest amid today’s now- classic Modernist architecture, the result of mid-20th- century urban renewal. Waterfront-SEU to Sign 1. 10. Top of the Town: Tenleytown Heritage Trail Visit traces of the village that grew up around John Tennally’s 18th-century tavern, and experience the neighborhood that played a key role in two world wars and in the development of modern communications. Tenleytown to Sign 1. 11. City Within a City: Greater U Street Discover the historic center of African American DC, where Duke Ellington got his inspiration, Madame Evanti composed, and Thurgood Marshall strategized. Download the free audio tour from CulturalTourismDC.org. U St/African-Amer Civil War Memorial/ Cardozo. Sign 1 is at 13th St. exit.

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