DCNHT: Georgia Avenue Guide

Another Good Walk: Art on Call

Art on Call re-uses obsolete police and fire call boxes as mini-showcases for community art and history. Go to CulturalTourismDC.org for call box locations in these neighborhoods: Capitol Hill Boxes in various media evoke icons of times past, including an old movie theater and the “March King,” John Philip Sousa. 1 Cathedral Heights Four artists reveal key moments including U.S. Navy women in World War II and origins of the Washington National Cathedral. Cleveland Park An engaging tour of distinguished residential architecture and notes on the Washington Ballet, the late, lamented Roma Restaurant, and more. 3 Dupont Circle Twenty-two artists’ clever and whimsical interpretations of the Dupont Circle fountain plus neighborhood history and fire tales. Forest Hills Four artists present neighborhood lore on restored Peirce Mill, Native Americans who lived in Soapstone Valley, and more. 5 Georgetown The fabled community’s history and recent past, complete with quips, Kennedys, and colleges. Glover Park Six artists explore the story of Charles Carroll Glover, the community’s wartime “victory gardens,” punk music roots, and more. 7 Golden Triangle An array of artistic styles evoke the lively spirit of this downtown area in the shadow of the White House. 8 6 4 2

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