DCNHT: Georgia Avenue Guide


Special thanks to Georgia Ave./Pleasant Plains Heritage Trail Historian Sarah Shoenfeld, Working Group Co-chairs Isa Angulo, Darren Jones, and Sylvia Robinson, and to Working Group members Athena Angelos, Jason Berry, Kelvin Esters, Lynn C. French, Roland Gardner, Franky Hemingway, Berlene Jackson, Reginald Kelley, Patrick Nelson, Ernest Quimby, Ayize Sabater, Shana Sabbath, Maybelle Taylor Bennett, and Naomi Washington. Thank you also to ANCs 1A, 1B, and 1C, the Emergence Community Arts Collective, Howard University Professor Ernest Quimby’s sociology students (spring 2008), and Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development. Also to Donald Benjamin, Kent Boese, Tina Scott Boyd, Yvonne Carignan, Dana Coelho, Joellen ElBashir, John Gartrell, Mark Greek, Faye Haskins, Alan Heymann, Margot Hoerner, Edward Holloway, Kevin Johnson, Timothy Jones, Brian Kraft, Nicole Manuel, Susan McNeill, Romeo Morgan, Eddy Palanzo, John Powell, Kim Roberts, Jerry Rosenthal, Ayize Sabater II, Joshua Sabater, Shalom Sabater, Ashley Simpkins, Kai Smith, Kathryn S. Smith, and Thomas Smith.

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