DCNHT: Tenleytown Guide

© 2023 by Events DC All rights reserved.

Distributed by Events DC 801 Mount Vernon Place, NW Washington, DC 20001 www.EventsDC.com

The following Cultural Tourism DC staff members also contributed to the production of Top of the Town: Tenleytown Heritage Trail:

Tammy Barboza, Director of Development Alisha Bell, Office Manager Maggie Downing, Heritage Programs Associate - Project Management Elizabeth Goldberg, Development Associate Helen Gineris, Events Associate Pamela Jafari, Membership Manager Leslie Kershaw, Communications Associate - New Media Jessica Marlatt, Communications Associate - Media and Publication Leon Seemann, Deputy Director Pat Wheeler, Director of Marketing

Design by Karol A. Keane Design and Communications, Inc. Map by Bowring Cartographic

As you walk the trail, please be aware that you are traveling through an urban environment. Keep your safety and personal security in mind, just as you would while visiting an unfamiliar place in any city.

On the cover: Water towers at Fort Reno Park, 1928 . The Washington Post

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