DCNHT: Tenleytown Guide


Cultural Convergence: Columbia Heights Meet the old and new Columbia Heights and the people who changed our world with new technology, ideas, literature, laws, and leadership. Columbia Heights to Sign 1. A Self-Reliant People: Greater Deanwood Wood-frame houses evoke this traditionally African American neighborhood’s rural past. See where Nannie Helen Burroughs and Marvin Gaye made their names. Minnesota Ave. to Metrobus U8 (Capitol Heights) to Sign 1 at Division Ave. south of Nannie Helen Burroughs Ave. 5 Civil War to Civil Rights: Downtown Follow the footsteps of Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Walt Whitman, and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose lives intertwined with the his- tory of the nation. Download the free audio tour from CulturalTourismDC.org. Archives-Navy Mem’l-Penn Quarter. Sign 1 on Seventh St. across Pennsylvania Ave. Village in the City: Mount Pleasant Trace the path from country village to fashionable street- car suburb, working-class neighborhood, Latino barrio, and hub of arts and activism. Columbia Heights. Two blocks west to Sign 1 at 16th and Harvard Sts. 7 Midcity at the Crossroads: Shaw Immigrants and old-timers, the powerful and the poor have mingled in Shaw since DC’s earliest days. Mt.Vernon Square/7th St–Convention Center to Sign 12. River Farms to Urban Towers: Southwest Visualize historic, ethnic Southwest amid today’s now- classic Modernist architecture, the result of mid-20th- century urban renewal. Waterfront-SEU to Sign 1. 9 City Within a City: Greater U Street Discover the historic center of African American DC, where Duke Ellington got his inspiration, Madame Evanti composed, and Thurgood Marshall strategized. U St/African-Amer Civil War Memorial/ Cardozo. Sign 1 is at 13th St. exit. 10 6 8

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