SaskEnergy 2022-23 Sustainability Report

Our sustainability path

Measures and standards: key indicators

2022-23 highlights

Looking ahead

President’s message

About SaskEnergy

Our sustainability framework

Pillar one: Environment

Pillar two: Prosperity

Pillar three: People

Commitment to the local environment SaskEnergy is committed to the protection of the environment as we meet Saskatchewan’s demand for safe and reliable energy. From project planning and design through to construction, operation, and reclamation activities, we strive to reduce our impact on all aspects of the environment, including plant life, wildlife, water bodies, native prairie, and species at risk. Working around environmentally sensitive land, water and wildlife Not only is the protection of land, water and wildlife critical to maintaining healthy ecosystems, it’s an essential part of our business. When planning our projects, we make it a priority to avoid environmentally sensitive landscapes and water features. First, we use geographic information system (GIS) layers to determine the best route for our gas line that will avoid environmentally sensitive areas. Once a route is selected, we conduct a risk assessment for any sensitive habitats, landscape features and species. Depending on the findings, we coordinate field visits. For areas that aren’t as environmentally sensitive, a high-level field visit takes place to see what’s in the area. In areas that are more sensitive, we visit the sites during spring, summer and fall to gain a greater understanding of the land use, species habitat and species of concern. Based on these visits and what is found, we will then either re-route our project to avoid sensitive species and habitats, or put mitigation measures in place to reduce the risk of disturbing any sensitive habitats or species. Mitigation measures include: · adjusting construction timing such that work occurs in the winter to avoid disturbing the breeding of any critical species or flowering timelines. · adapting construction practices, such as reduced topsoil stripping in areas with sensitive plant species, rig matting to avoid sensitive areas, and directional drilling to avoid disturbing water features and habitats. · environmental monitoring to reduce the disturbance of sensitive species and habitats.

2022-23 Sustainability Report


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