SaskEnergy 2022-23 Sustainability Report

Our sustainability path

Measures and standards: key indicators

2022-23 highlights

Looking ahead

President’s message

About SaskEnergy

Our sustainability framework

Pillar one: Environment

Pillar two: Prosperity

Pillar three: People

Our sustainability path SaskEnergy is focused on improving our core operations while advancing our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. As a Crown corporation and energy utility that serves the people of our province, we contribute to the ESG priorities of the Government of Saskatchewan while achieving on our sustainability efforts. SaskEnergy’s sustainability path is aligned with the policy direction of the Government’s Prairie Resilience: A Made-in-Saskatchewan Climate Change Strategy aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the province. In 2020-21, SaskEnergy set a target to reduce our emissions from operations by 35 per cent, from 2019 levels, by 2030. This includes emissions from our natural gas system as well as company-owned vehicles, and heating and powering our offices and facilities. Building on our commitment, SaskEnergy unveiled the roadmap for how we will reduce emissions to meet the target, focusing on three priority areas — vent gas reduction, renewable electricity, and operational optimization. In 2022-23, and looking ahead to 2023-24, we are executing on many of these initiatives, most notably with the installation of additional large-scale solar projects to power operations at our buildings and facilities, and the implementation of new flare systems to support venting reduction. Reporting on performance SaskEnergy is working to continuously improve and mature our reporting processes as public expectations and ESG reporting standards and frameworks evolve. This year, SaskEnergy worked with our shareholder and peer Crown corporations to review existing ESG standards and frameworks, as well as to monitor the development of new International Sustainability Standards Board disclosure standards. In the coming year, we look to continue our collaborative efforts as we refresh our material topics and the measures we are tracking. SaskEnergy is currently measuring performance within our Sustainability Framework, which includes 15 key indicators across three pillars: Environment, Prosperity, and People. These pillars align with our corporate vision and set a strong foundation for our future as a sustainable energy provider for Saskatchewan. The indicators are aligned to, and reference, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, as well as provincial and corporate goals. We have set annual targets for performance to demonstrate our commitment to continuously advancing in our ESG journey, as measured by these indicators.

2022-23 Sustainability Report


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