APEGA 2020 Annual Report


2 RDOs completed

Discipline Department APEGA registrants and permit-holding companies must practise engineering and geoscience skillfully, ethically, and professionally. They are guided by legislated regulations and a Code of Ethics outlined in the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act . When registrants and permit-holding companies fail to meet their obligations, they can be found guilty of unskilled practice or unprofessional conduct. They are held accountable through a recommended discipline order (RDO) or a formal hearing. • An RDO is an agreed-to order between APEGA and the registrant or company being investigated. The RDO summarizes the facts of the case and recommended sanctions, such as letters of reprimand, fines, training, or restrictions on practice. • If an investigated registrant or company does not agree to the findings and disciplinary actions in an RDO, a formal hearing is held. Evidence is presented to an expert panel of professional engineers and professional geoscientists, who determine what discipline, if any, is appropriate.

6 active


months for RDO completion

3 hearings scheduled 5 hearings completed 2 hearings adjourned (one member request; one COVID related)

19 active hearings



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