Specif icationsand AircraftDetails M SN 297and 644
AvailableNow! Custom ized to SuitYourApplication ForSale orLease (W et/Dry) W ith/W ithoutCrew and M aintenance Low OperatingCosts
AEVEXisaworldwideleaderin supportingthe DHC-6 Twin Oterseriesaircraft.Applications varybetween civiloperatoruse such as airline,charter,and provate operations,to specialized conf igurationsforscientif icand governm entuse such ascoastguard,f ishery m anagem ent,m ineraland petroleum exploration,param ilitary,scientif icresearch, borderand m aritim e patrol,wildf ire m anagem ent,testrange clearance,telem etry, atm osphericresearch,polution control,oil slickm anagem ent,sensortesting, m osquito/vectorm anagem ent,spraying,etc. ContactAEVEXwith yourchalenge!
OurDHC-6-300Twin Oter Testbed Fleetisavailable for:
Developingnew technologies Dem onstratingnew system s Supporting specialexercises
Person in-the-loop UAV sur ogate testing Capturingnew busines opportunities
Aldataprovidedinthisdocum entisapproxim ate,fordiscus ionpurposesonly and m aybe subjectto certain conditions. Thisdocum entdoesnotconstitute an ofer,com m itm ent,representation,or waranty ofany kind. Al data is subjectto change withoutpriorwriten notice.Aircraftsubjectto priorsale.
Bo Alksninis Sr.Director,Busines Developm ent Phone:818-554-5906 Em ail:balksninis@ aevex.com
Features,Capabilities,and Options: Custom ized foranym is ion system :
•ISR system s,including EO/IR up to dual25” diam eterclas •W ide Area M otion Im agery(W AM I)sensors •SIGINT/COM INT/ELINT •Radar:M ulti-m ode surveilance,AESA, SAR/ISAR/SLAR,GM TI,W eatheretc. •Autom aticidentif ication system (AIS) • Lidar,M ulti-Spectral,RF,and M icrow ave sensors •New Com m unication system stesting(Satelite BLOS com m unications,RFalternative,LOS Data link,etc.) •Com m and and Control/W ildf irem anagem ent •Racks,consoles,and m is ion seating •W eprovideDESIGN-BUILD-FLYsolutions
•ShortTakeof f & Landing(STOL) •Stable high-wing f lightcharacteristics •Idealaircraftforsensorsneeding slow loitering speeds •Unpres urized cabin with Crew and Pas enger Oxygen system salowinga 25,000 ft.ceiling •“Best-in-Clas ”payload capabilities •Increased M TOW to 14,000 lbs.(Restricted or Standard categorySTC) •Room ycabin form is ion crew and equipm ent •500 am psofengine driven electricalpower •Supplem entalAPU power •Ram Airand supplem entalcooling •Enlarged,observation,rem ovable,and special windows •Specialm odif icationsforsensorinstalation provisions: • Cam era portals(single ordual) • W ingpayload hard points • Fuselage antenna provisions •Airworthines Certif ication and operation support asneces ary
Aldataprovidedinthisdocum entisapproxim ate,fordiscus ionpurposesonly and m aybe subjectto certain conditions. Thisdocum entdoesnotconstitute an ofer,com m itm ent,representation,or waranty ofany kind. Al data is subjectto change withoutpriorwriten notice.Aircraftsubjectto priorsale.
The avionicssystem isprovided with aGarm in G950NXi/G1000NXiconf iguration with al Factory-New equipm ent: •DualGarm in GDU1050 ten-inch (10”)Prim aryFlightDisplays(PFD),Pilot/Co-Pilot •Garm in GDU1550 f ifteen-inch (15”)M ulti-FunctionalDisplay(M FD) •Garm in GCU477M FD Controler •DualGarm inGDC7400AirDataCom puters(ADC)
•DualGarm in GRS79Atitudeand HeadingReferenceSystem (AHRS) •DualGarm in GIA 64W W AASGPS/NAV/COM Integrated AvionicsUnits •Garm in GTX345R ADS-B Transponders •Garm inGTS855TCAS-I •DualGarm in GEA 71B Engine/Airfram e Interface units •DualGarm in GM A 1360D Audio Panels •Garm in GW X-75/80W eatherRadarand radom e •M id-ContinentM D302StandbyAtitudeM odule •Cobham 251PagingPas engerAddres system •Artex406AFELTwith whip antenna •CockpitVoiceRecorder(CVR)and FlightDataRecorder(FDR)
BoAlksninis Sr.Director,Busines Developm ent Phone:818-554-5906 Em ail:balksninis@ aevex.com
DHC-6-300MSN 297
AEVEX’s dem onstratoraircraft,M SN 297,is a testbed powerhouse equipped with the Vistaliner enlarged window m odif ication,rem ovable dualswing doors,dualsensorm ounting provisions, winghard points,supplem entalcooling,m is ion console,operatorseating,and enhanced m is ion electricalsystem s.
•Re-Life® Fuselage and FlightControls (rem aining life of66,000 hours/132,000 cycles as of 3/7/2023) •W ing Boxand Naceleshave rem aining life ofapproxim ately3,936.8 hours/15,169 cycles(This wilbereplaced with AEVEXRe-Life® W ingBoxesand Naceleswhen due)
PT6A-34 Engines(asof3/7/2022):
SerialNum ber: PCE-56005 PCE-57033 PCE-56605 Tim eSinceNew: 25,892.7 Hrs. 24,273.6 Hrs. 29,142.7 Hrs. Tim eSinceOverhaul: 11,777.6 Hrs. 111.2 Hrs. 111.2 Hrs. CyclesSinceNew: 51,982 34,050 40,479 CyclesSinceOH: 18,790 89 89 TSHSI - 111.2 111.2
HartzelHC-B3TN-3D; OHC 3/7/2023
S/N:BUA24843 BUA27493
AircraftConfiguration Details:
•14,000 lbs.M TOW Restricted CategorySTC;Em ptyW eight:7,952 lbs.(Approx) •TotalFuelCapacity:3,148 lbs.(alowsa nom inal6.7 hrs.ofloiter) •Two AEVEXHigh-Flow 250Am p St-Generatorswith m is ion powercockpitcontrol •AEVEX’senlarged aftcam era portal(skin openingis26.8”x36.0”) •Equipped with f ixed supportstructurecapableofsupportinga25”dia.Clas EO/IR sensor •Nosem odif ication reinforcem entforasecond 25”dia.clas EO/IR sensororradom e •W ingpayload hardpoints(500 lbs.payload on each wing) •Lowerfuselage antenna farm (12”x24”)provision aftofthe cam era portal •Upperfuselageantennafarm (12”x12”)provision approx.FS250 •AEVEXEnhanced AirConditioningSystem swith CockpitCoolingprovisions •W indow m ounted ram airinlet& exhaustforcabin m is ion equipm entcooling •OperatorConsolewith m is ion com puter,GeoFOCISm is ion m anagem entsoftware,dualm onitors, solid state recording,and fulyarticulating/adjustable m is ion operatorseat •Crew and Pas engerOxygen System (NOTE:Thisaircrafthasdualairworthines certificatesalowing operation with a Standard orSpecial Airworthines -Restricted Certificate and US RegistryN905RT)
Aldataprovidedinthisdocum entisapproxim ate,fordiscus ionpurposesonly and m aybe subjectto certain conditions. Thisdocum entdoesnotconstitute an ofer,com m itm ent,representation,or waranty ofany kind. Al data is subjectto change withoutpriorwriten notice.Aircraftsubjectto priorsale.
DHC-6-300MSN 644
AEVEX’sDHC-6-300 M SN 644 iscurentlyundergoingm odif ication,refurbishm ent,m aintenance to bringtheaircraftcurentwith alrequired inspections(BasicA,B,C12,and D ChecksperDHC PSM 1-6-7)and a baseline f ive (5)yearcorosion inspection (I.A.W .DHC-6 Corosion Inspection M anual, PSM 1-6-5).
TSN:57,088 hours/97,436 cycles(rem aininglife8,912 hours/34,564 cyclesasof6/26/2023)
PT6A-27 Engines(asof6/26/2023)
HartzelHC-B3TN-3D; OHC Decem ber2023
SerialNum ber: Tim e Since New:
PCE-52430 PCE-52433 6,594.3 Hrs. 5,593.4 Hrs. 1,996.4 Hrs. 1,973.7 Hrs.
Tim e Since Overhaul: CyclesSince New: CyclesSince OH:
3,197 5,371 1,781 1,814
S/N:BUA24843 BUA27493
AircraftConfiguration Details:
•Garm in G950 Avionics(see Avionicsspecif ication below) •12,500 lbs.M TOW ;Em ptyW eight:7,184 lbs.(Approx) •TotalFuelCapacity:2,548 lbs.(alowsa nom inal5.1 hrs.loiter);Option forincorporating FactorySOO 6095 (3148 lbs.)orAEVEX’sW ingExtended RangeFuelSystem s-W ERFS(3686.8 lbs.) •PT6A-27 Engines(620 SHP),m id-tim e since initialoverhaul •Two AEVEXHigh-Flow 250Am p St-Generatorswith m is ion powercockpitcontroloption •Standard Com m uterhardshelinterior •UtilityorCom m uterseating •Third railseattrackprovisionsform ountingm is ion equipm ent Thisaircraftisan “open canvas”forre-configuration asa m ulti-purpose platform to include anyofthe sam em odificationscurentlyapplied to M SN 297 orothercustom izationsasrequired. (NOTE:Thisaircraftiscurentlyoperating with a Standard Airworthines Certificate and US Registry: N300DZ)
BoAlksninis Sr.Director,Busines Developm ent Phone:818-554-5906 Em ail:balksninis@ aevex.com
Available Options:
AEVEX provides a variety of customizations that provide improved utility, enhanced safety, and meet specific customer brand identity needs:
• Crew Oxygen System installed per FAA STC number SA03266NY/TCCA STC number SA12-46 with demand or constant flow masks (includes microphone) and smoke goggles • Customized seating and interiors: Commuter, VIP, Utility, Paratroop • Air Conditioning system with/without cockpit cooling • Wing Extended Range Fuel System (WERFS), STC Pending • Enclosed lavatory (forward or aft cabin) • Camera hatches (forward and aft) for special airborne sensors • Wing Hardpoints (single or dual per wing) allowing external sensor stores up to 500 lbs. per side
• Special Missions customizations • Amphibious or Float Landing Gear • Passenger entry door options • Floor mounted emergency pathway luminescent lighting • Satcom System upgrades • Enhanced Vision System (EVS) Max-Viz EVS 2300 • APU for high-power mission systems • CLICK HERE to learn more about our available options
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