Core 12: The Change Makers' Manual

Decision-making & Analytics

Inspired to apply your own Behavioural Science strategy?


Start now by exploring our upcoming courses delivered at The Shard, London.

■ Behavioural Science for Ethical Leaders and Negotiators – 12–15 December 2023 ■ Behavioural Science for Consumers and Markets – 5–8 March 2024 ■ Behavioural Science in the Real World – 14–17 May 2024 ■ Behavioural Science for Organisations and Innovation – 26–29 November 2024. Stack four of our four-day accredited courses together to complete your Executive Diploma in Behavioural Science. Or join us for our three-day non-accredited course: ■ Behavioural Science in Practice – 17–19 April 2024

by Nick Lee

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