Biola Broadcaster - 1953-02


VOL 1, NO. 2

Shut-in Interviewed on Air

Here you see Mr. Al Sanders, Director of the Bible Institute Hour, interviewing Mrs. Ray D. Arnold of 1226 East Mason Street, Santa Barbara, California, as to the length of time she has been a member of the Bible Institute Hour radio family. Mrs. Arnold declared she has been a faithful listener to the broadcasts since she became an invalid ten years ago, suffering from arthritis and unable even to straight– en her legs. After hearing her testimony, the Biola choir sang her favorite hymn, "Under His Wings." The Shut-in interview will be a regular feature of the Bible Institute Hour, and those of you who have friends who are invalids are invited to submit their names, so that sometime in the future we may be ·able to take our microphone into their homes. ~····················································· Look lor In tla.. IBBue ••• • BIOLA ON TELEVISION • DR. TALBOT RETURNS TO AIR • "BEHIND THE MICROPHONE" • C:HORlJS OP THE MONTH · . ·-· .............................................. -.~, .. •:

Our President Speaks .•.

January has already come and gone, giving us Just one Indication of how the time will hurry by this year. I am very thankful, how· ever, for the opportunity of spending o few moments with you, through the pages of the Blola Broadcaster, to say some things that are upon my heart. I would like first to thank all of you who have stood with us In the training of these hundreds of young people; for those of you wha have written recently to say what a bless·

Ing the programs have been to your hearts; for those of you who have met with God on our behalf; and, because of you, the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles continues to march forward under God. Naturally, there ls much more we could do, and the things we are now doing could perhaps be more effective If we had the letter which you have been intending to write for such a long time. So now, before you forget it, when you are fin– ished reading this month's issue of the Broadcaster, why not take out your share In this great ministry of training young people for Christian service~ Your gift may seem small, for it may be only a dollar or so, but remember: Little Is Much in the sight of the Lord, and it is the sacrificial gift which really counts. Again my most appreciative thanks for that which you have done which has enabled us to continue the training of these "Missionaries of Tomorrow." ~

Riola Students on Television

Coming as an answer to years of prayer and months of planning and preparation, the students and alumni of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles have presented their first television production, "Accent on Youth TV," an adaptation of the current radio series. The most amazing part of this miracle of God's hand is the fact that not one cent had to be taken from the school treasury to present the program. The cost of the telecast was paid by several outstanding business men, and through gifts from the students themselves. If the program shows itself to be a helpful and chal– lenging tool for the Lord in the homes of those who know not Christ, future programs will be presented, probably spaced at monthly intervals. Pictured above are the members of the program, which had as its setting, the Christian home, and the way young people are meeting the need of the world in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Nuggets of Gold ••• , i '~- - - ' , I 1 ' "Keep your Bible open and you'll not flnd the door to heaven shut.'' ~ Consider this definition of the term "loving-kindness" as applied to God: "Johnnie, what do you think that loving-kindness means?" asked a Christian mother. After thinking a few moments, scratching his head, the boy replied, "Well, when I ask for a piece of bread and butter, and you give it t& me ••• that's kindness; but, you know, Mom, when you put fam on it, that's LOVING-kindness."

' ' --~- HALL OF FAME ' I

Shamgar had an ox goad, Rahab had a string; Gideon had a trumpet, David had a sling; Samson had a jawbone, Moses had a rod; Dorcas had a needle, But all were used for God. "Temptations are like hoboes; treat them kindly, and they'll return, bringing others with them."

Behind the Microphone •••

"I guess I've been sing– ing all my life," cheer– fully stated Viola Kroek– er, when she was asked to tell us a few facts about herself for this fea– ture's first appearance in the BROADCASTER. "Mr dad wanted a boy, but admits now that my music has made up for it," she smiled. "When I

was in high school, I sang with a trio which won first prize in the Northwest, and that was a great thrill. But a far greater thrill is to be able to sing the story of God's love and for that I have taken Psalm 89:1 'I will sing His praises.' " Mrs. Kroeker is also with BIOLA's Christian Service Department and her husband Al, is enrolled in the Tal– bot Theological Seminary. Her voice has been heard over many gospel broadcasts and we are happy to say she will continue to sing for our BIOLA programs. If you enjoy her testimony in song, or if you have some favorite you would like to hear her sing, why not drop a line to the BROADCASTER. And remember to pray for each of our staff members. NEXT MONTH ••• MEET •• WANDA HOWARD OUR TALENTED ORGANIST Biola Calendar questions ••• Just off the press are the printed answers to the questions which are asked on the January page of the 1953 BIOLA "Know Your Bible" Calendar. Write for your copy today! You will want a complete set, to aid your programs in your church & Young People's societies. t ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• + •••••

Dr. Talbot Returns to Biola Hour After extensive travelling throughout the country during 1952 Dr. Louis T . '\

Talbot, Chancellor of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, has again returned to the broadcasts of the Bible Institute Hour. Many listeners have written in the past few weeks to say how much they have enjoyed Dr. Talbot's timely mes– sages on, "The Christian's Blessed Assur– ances." They have been printed and put

in booklet form to aid you in your home study. If you would like a copy, write for one today. You may use the convenient form in the lower right-hand corner. Ask also for information on how to obtain additional copies for your friends. Dr. Talbot will be continuing his absorbing Bible studies over the air from time to time. He will also be available for special meetings throughout the country. If you would like to secure him for your church, you may contact the Broadcaster for more information. Chorus ol the Month ••. Yield Yourselves Unto God Jil£JLJ]_Af Yield1ourse1v,. an-to God, field yoarselvesun-to God, to God, ,:.~ - ~ ~~p:5 ff f~1;. ·l(~t;::§l o;;I~ un - to God. ~ • ia-fMH 1 tm~ffl+Bm ------ Aod you will Jave the vie. to. ry. Yield yourselves un-to God............ un·to God, r+ ~==~:!:::!I~~ itt#LILi:f-...flg=§f:t~=D If you're looking for o new chorus to brighten up a Sunday School, Young People's, or Sunday evening service, try this one. It's easy to learn, and has a beautiful melody that will stay with you throughout the day to uplift your heart.


You, the Listeners, Write ••. While all your letters are so very encouraging to us, we want to award an album of Biola Hour records to the person sending us the best and most interesting letter, which will be printed on this page next month. Just tell us in your own words of how you enjoy the program, and you may be the recipient of a new album of fine gospel selections. "TESTIMONIES ENJOYED" Los Angeles, California: "Sure enjoy your program on KHJ. The testimonies ring so true and sincere. May our Christ bless and reward all your efforts to further His Kingdom ... Please send me two of your January Calendar Answers . . . I enclose a small gift, and hope to send more later." -Mrs. E. B. "PROGRAM SEEMS BETTER" Bremerton, Washington: "I have been thoroughly thrilled with your morning broadcasts lately. They seem to be getting "gooder and gooder." I mean the ones utilizing all the students in song and testimony. As they were singing, I sat and cried as I remembered my own Bible school days. May He continue to guide you as you prepare and present the broadcasts."-Mrs. D. R. "ENJOYS BIBLE STUDIES" Whittier, California: "I listen to you every day and get such a blessing from hearing Dr. Talbot explain the Word of God. Seems we can't get enough of it as my husband and I are just babes in Christ and get such a blessing out of hearing the Word ex– plained so thoroughly. Please accept the small gift, but we know when we place ;+ .;...., th,.. 'f · ·:.J' .. hnnrl" 1/o 7n111 rn11/tinlv

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..The Dible ln•tltute Dour':.,, BIBLE INSTITUTE of LOS AHGEL9 558 South Hope Street LI) ci Los Angeles 17, California

Dont Miss the ''BIBLE INSTITlJTE HOlJB" Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:30 A.M. California Nevada Chico - KHSL - 1290

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Reno - KATO - 1340 Oregon

El Centro - KXO - 1230 Fresno - KYNO - 1300 Los Angeles - KHJ - 930 Marysville- KMYC-1410 Merced - KYOS - 1480 Paso Rabies - KPRL - 1230 Redding - KVCV - 600 Sacramento - KCRA - 1320 Solinas - KSBW - 1380 Son Bernardino - KFXM - 590 San Diego - KGB - 1360 Son Francisco- KFRC - 610 Son Luis Obispo - KVEC - 920 Santo Ana - KVOE - 1480 Santo Barbaro - KDB - 1490 Stockton - KXOB - 1280 Tulare - KCOK - 1270 Wasco - KWSO - 1050 Idaho Coeur d'Alene-KVNI -1240

Albany - KWIL - 1240 Astoria - KAST - 1370 Bend- KBND-1110 Coos Boy - KOOS - 1230 Eugene - KORE - 1450 Grants Poss- KUIN -1340 Portland - KW JJ - 1080 Roseburg- KRNR-1490 Solem - KSLM - 1390 Washington Aberdeen - KXRO - 1320 Bellingham - KPUG - 1170 Centralia - KELA- 1470 Everett - KRKO - 1380 Longview - KWLK - 1400 Olympia - KGY - 1240 Seattle - KVI - 570 Spokane - KNEW - 790 Wallo Wallo - KUJ -1420 Wenatchee- KWNW- 1340 Yakima- KYAK-1400


Lewiston - KRLC - 1350 Wallace - KWAL - 620

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