their Sunday school lessons dur ing the week? Though some o f our families were already doing much in these areas, we wanted to get more complete families involved. So the “ Gold-Cup Family” award was promised to every fam ily that would meet specific requirements and would return family “ check up” ca rd s , p r o p e r ly marked, showing 100% family participa tion fo r five o f the campaign’s six weeks. These mimeographed 3x5 in. checkup cards came in six colors— a different color fo r each week. On them the head o f each family was asked to put a mark i f every family member had: 1. Attended Sunday school and all Sunday church services. 2. Attended daily family devo tions held at home the past week. 3. Read and studied his Sunday school lesson (unless he was be low Junior age). Why not choose one or ganization each day and pray spec if ica lly for its workers? The campaign was promoted throughout the church and in mailings. Checkup cards were mailed to each family with Mid week Reminders. Cards were also handed out to cardless families as they entered Sunday school. The cards were collected each Sunday at Sunday school offering time. I f one member in a family failed to do his part, his entire family failed to reach its weekly goal. Many families, eager to be “ gold-cuppers,” developed family spirit. Many people worked out problems. Some families started having daily family devotions. Others, who had never encour aged Sunday school lesson prep aration, had to c h a n g e their schedules to do so. In most homes this was a real problem because the Moms and Dads were not in the habit o f studying their Sun day school lessons. (People over 18 are the most unprepared stu-
HOME OF ONESIPHORUS Completed -fifty years of evangelical faith mission work in 1966. Rescues and trains orphans and refugee children in Hong Kong, Lebanon, Jordan. Full time missionary staff in each home. Ask for FREE copies of the Harvester —includes stories of outstanding Chinese and Arab Christians. Personal rep resentative available. George E. Hedberg, President Dept. 11, 3939 N. Hamlin, Chicago, III. 60618 INDO-BURMA PIONEER MISSION Rochunga Pudaite, Executive Director P.O. Box 805 Wheaton, Illinois 60137 Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through National Missionaries in India a/nd Burma. Atlanta, Georgia 30301 Combining evangelism and relief to Hebrew Christians •and refugees in Europe, Israel, Asia, Africa, and South America, with a strong witness in America. 37 missionaries on all^ continents. Write for free copy of magazine, The Everlasting Nation. Jacob Gartenhaus, D.D., Pres., Robert G. Lee, D.D., Chairman Advisory Board. Since 1943, supporting leprosy work in four fields: Philippines, A frica, Bolivia and India. Treats leprosy patients, cares for chil dren of leprosy parents, rehabilitates former leprosy patients, preaches the Gospel and provides W hite Cross supplies. W rite for FREE copies of GLO BAL MISSIONS and News- Prayer Letter. P.O. Box 8164 Portland, Oregon 97207 When you pray, do not forget this work. Thank you! Write us! LITERATURE FOR THE MILLIONS, INC. INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF JEWISH MISSIONS, INC. P.O. Box 1256 INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN LEPROSY MISSION MEXICAN INDIAN MISSION, INC. 'Dr. John T. Dale, Director Establishing the Church among the Indians of rural Mexico by evangelism, Bible corres pondence courses, laymen’s institutes, child evangelism, medical evangelism. Now work ing in six tribes. Needed — more mission aries; prayer partners to form prayer bands. W rite for information and magazine 6018 Drexel Road, Philadelphia, Pa. 19131 M ILLION TESTAMENTS CAMPAIGN, INC. Mrs. George T. B. Davis, Director Jews being saved in many lands through our Prophecy New Testaments in many lan guages. Our Hebrew Testaments reaching many Jews in the land of Israel. You can help by your prayers and gifts. News Bul letin and Prayer Card free upon request. 1505 Race Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19102 Providing highways In the sky and bush radio telephone service for yonr ■isaionarles in the rural and forward areas of the mission field. Write For: Informative literature Challenging sound-color films Gift annuity information Box 32. Fullertfin, California 92832 THE MISSIONARY DENTIST, INC. Box 7002, Seattle, Washington 98133 A unique worldwide evangelistic ministry It meets the physical and spiritual needs of the nationals, and missionaries too, by providing modern dental care and a sound Bible teaching m inistry from the heart of the jungles to populated cities through Dental Evangelism Team programs. Films and literature available . MISSIONARY AVIATION FELLOWSHIP "A.Servant of Miaaionm" Post Office Box 677 Wichita, Kansas 67201
Canadian Sunday School Mission Directing Canadian youth heavenward since 1927 through camps, V.B.S., day school classes, home Bible clubs, children’s Gospel campaigns, Bible memory contests- and cor respondence courses, Sunday schools, serv ices, etc. Write for descriptive folder. W. G. L McAllister, General Superintendent Head Office, Room A, 177 Lombard Avenue Winnipeg 2, Manitoba
JUNE, 1967
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