King's Business - 1967-06

Gradually I WSt"'cttcU) elness seemed to be pulled ever deeper downwards into the past and into myself. Strange emotional expe­ d ien ces and long forgotten dreams bubbled. up in- The fou r weeks which followed my L S D k&dafeum .gradually ^became' d. living hell.

pouR years ago I became a Christian after thirty * years of skepticism and agnosticism. Abandon­ ing church and Sunday school at the age of seven, science and human wisdom were my gods and the source of my enlightenment for many years.

Six years of college made me aware, however, of an inner emptiness, sense of inferiority and in­ adequacy, a feeling of guilt and a vague aware­ ness that I was not reaching my full potential as a man. A career in physics and space science proved


JUNE, 1967

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