Gradually stability was restored and I began to relate in real time to real peo ple and to react normally to life on earth. I became aware of my serious error in taking drugs . . . rny disobedi ence to God. first time o f my serious error in taking drugs, my disobedience to God, and the subtlety o f tempta tion. Yet six months elapsed before I was fully my self again. Those six months brought the strong and painful discipline o f my heavenly Father and inner spiritual surgery which at times was nearly unbearable. I had a terrible vision o f hell and heard the screams o f torment o f the lost. I saw that the indirect effects o f the drug had brought great inner damage which only time and God’s Spirit could heal. I was so thankful fo r the steadfast love o f God and the miracle o f His healing hand. Today, fully recovered from the effects o f this fantastic experience with drugs and the spirit world, I have been greatly concerned fo r the grow ing number who take such drugs. The serious dangers and problems which mind-distorting chemicals present to individuals and to society should be made fully known to everyone. As a Christian who learned a most painful lesson about life, I am glad to report that total commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Master has brought me the full deliverance from my past problems which I had been seeking, and daily rich spiritual experiences fa r surpassing in beauty and reality the counterfeit experiences o f LSD. As the Lord Jesus expressed it, I have found rivers o f living water welling up within to replace the previous void o f emptiness (John 7 :3 8 ). The experience o f full life is found not from the use o f drugs but by losing one’s life fo r Jesus’ sake and walking daily with Him. Drugs which open the mind and expand human consciousness are not new. Religious cultists have fo r centuries made use o f drugs in their rites and mystical ceremonies. Thus, every generation has had to deal with similar phenomena and to answer About the author: Lambert Dolphin Jr. is a space physicist whose home is in Palo A lto, California. 23
about me, calling and pulling at my soul. And, I was aware o f the remoteness o f God who seemed fa r off and inaccessible. It did not occur to me to pray. Instead I wondered who I was and how I would ever find myself. The immediate effects o f the drug wore off that night although I was aware o f the movement and glow o f paintings and the animation o f photographs which came alive before my very eyes, until after dark. The fou r weeks which followed my LSD ses sion gradually became a living hell. I was aware o f a strange, immense spirit world all around me. There were visions o f the universe so overwhelm ing and overpowering I was sure I could never come back to life on earth. I was obsessed with haunting, seductive voices suggesting suicide or strange behavior. While I was aware o f people and events, I began to slip out o f touch and lose the desire to relate and communicate with my fellow human beings in the everyday world. An overwhelming flood o f unconscious material poured through my mind. I was lost in space, unable to sleep fo r nights on end. Gradually I became aware that something was very wrong, and gripped by overwhelming fear I called my pastor. In his office he drew two circles. One he labelled “ the material world,” the other “ the spiritual world.” As God guided him, he showed me that I seemed to be spiritually lost, wan dering in a great void between heaven and earth. As we prayed together, I gained an immediate sense o f the presence o f God and a restored rela tionship o f love with Jesus Christ. Haunted by terrible visions, I left several days later fo r two weeks’ rest, spent in sleeping, Bible study and long prayer. Gradually stability was restored and I began to relate in real time to real people and to react normally to life on earth. I became aware fo r the
JUNE, 1967
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