King's Business - 1967-06

arguments from the authoritative and trustworthy Word o f God. Describing the terrible end-time judgments o f God on an unbelieving and unrepentant mankind, the apostle John writes in Revelation: “ And the rest o f the men who were not killed by these plagues did not repent o f the works o f their hands nor give up worshipping demons and idols o f gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot either see or hear or walk; nor did they re­ pent o f their murders or their sorceries o r their im­ morality or their thefts” (Rev. 9:20, 2 1 ). A key word in this passage in the original Greek is the word translated “ sorceries.” The Greek is pharmakeia from which our modern word phar­ macy or drugs, is derived. Thus, the misuse o f drugs is what the Bible calls sorcery. God’s warn­ ing against sorcery, divination and spiritism dates back to the time o f Moses (Exodus 22:18, Leviti­ cus 20:6-8, 27 ; Deuteronomy 18 :9 -14 ). From these passages we are made aware that modern idola­ tries often come in new guises, but seen in the light o f eternal truth are nothing more than the age-old deceptions o f the devil. The influence o f evil spirits in astrology, palm­ istry, mysticism, metaphysics, and spiritism is well-known. The present-day activity o f demons and evil spirits is well-attested to by Christians in pagan environments. The modern use o f conscious­ ness-expansion drugs is nothing but a new wile o f the Wicked One. In II Thessalonians Chapter 2 the Bible tells us that the coming o f antichrist to the scenes o f world history will be accompanied by spiritual power and deceiving satanic revelation which will to all appearances seem to be from God. That false- Christs and false prophets (Matt. 24:4, 5, II Peter 2) arise from modern drug cults is already well- attested to in literature. The use o f the psychedelic drugs such as LSD increases divorce rates, leads to open sexual im­ morality in many cases, and brings about a Baby­ lon o f religious confusion which well fits the Bible picture o f sinful, decadent, human life (II Tim. 3 :1 -5 ). Individuals who use LSD and related drugs over long periods often seem to possess an “ en­ lightened” philosophy and mysterious power in their lives which seems religious and good. Only when the religious statements o f such cultists are carefully compared with Scripture is the error made evident. The Scriptural tests given in I John 2:18-25 and 4 :1 -6 must be applied to discern the satanic religion o f antichrist from the reality which is Jesus Christ, the Lord, who is both Author o f life and true historical person. From drug cult groups arise such religious statements as “ we are all one,” “ Christ is your true self,” “ God is love,” “ Jesus was a great teacher”

and “ all religions lead to God” — statements which characterize the pantheistic world religions and modern pseudo-Christian cults. While LSD “ trips” bring greater insights into natural man and access to the deeper layers o f hu­ man consciousness, apart from spiritual regenera­ tion there is no true knowledge o f God. Spiritual birth as described in John 3:1-12 is literally to be “ b om from above” and is a result o f inviting or receiving Jesus Christ into one’s heart (Rev. 3 :20, John 1 :1 2 ). Large doses o f LSD do produce experiences similar to rebirth, tongues phenomena, changes in personality and attitude, “ cures” from alcoholism and other emotional disturbances, but a careful check with Scripture reveals that the drug-religious phenomena are counterfeit and relative. The call o f our Lord to enter by the narrow gate (Matt. 7:13-14) is a reminder o f the broad and deceptive ways that lead men to eternal de­ struction and total separation from God. The fact that Jesus Christ is Himself the truth (John 14:6, Col. 2 :3 , 8-10) is a reminder that all religions are essentially man’s best efforts to find God by good works and self-improvement programs (Eph. 2 :8 , 9 ; Gal. 3 :10 -14 ). The overwhelming and shattering effects o f LSD on a human personality are a reminder o f the tremendous potential latent in man, and o f the endless possibilities o f life in Christ which few Christians appreciate or lay hold of. In view o f the shallow faith o f so many professing Christians today it is not surprising that spiritually hungry and unchallenged college students, work-weary housewives, and over-pressured businessmen are turning to the revolutionary and exciting promises o f new life through LSD. The Church o f Jesus Christ has failed to make known the fullness and relevance o f her treasure who is the Lord o f Life. The pleasures and unlocked sensuality that consciousness-altering drugs afford, draw a materialistic hedonistic nation ever closer to the terrible judgments o f God which must come. The serious implications o f modern pharma­ cology and power-packed idolatries o f our time are a challenge to deep Christian living. Not only should Christians begin a more ex­ tensive preaching and proclamation o f the ever­ lasting gospel which is the “ power o f God unto salvation fo r everyone who believes” (Rom. 1:16- 17 ), but surely God’s call to full surrender, genuine Christian discipleship and empowerment by the Holy Spirit could not be clearer to all who today name the name o f Christ as Lord. “ The gates o f hell,” Christ said, “ shall not prevail against my church.” B T b I

Reprinted by permission from CBMC CONTACT Glen Ellyn, Illinois.



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