King's Business - 1967-06

P ic t u r e d below is Ellen Goodin, one o f fou r food editors fo r Better Homes and Gardens cook books. Here in my living room we talked o f many things: food, books, testing recipes, and some o f the new things to come. It was a delightful and informative afternoon. Food stuffs are going in so many directions today; freezing methods are highly developed, new mixes on the market each week, and most o f the Better Homes and Gardens cook book recipes are constructed with the busy, interrupted housewife-mother o f three or fou r little ones in mind. Miss Goodin told me that even the way a recipe is printed (in what order the dry or wet ingredients are placed in the bowl) is carefully worked out. I was eager to know if they really test­ ed recipes, and was delighted to find that they are tested over and over again. There are new mixes on the market, like cake mixes where you add your own butter. Also new are chicken and beef broth mixes. The desserts made by starting with Whip and Chill or other toppings present a whole new field of “ low cal” desserts which are delicious. One section o f Miss Goodin’s work is in the field o f experimenting with things like what the price difference would be between a regular roast tur­ key and one o f the new boned and rolled turkeys (it works out about the same meat and money-wise). In the new world o f Teflon soon, within two years at the most, all utensils will be coated with a non-scratch Teflon base. The exciting world o f freezing is now giving us a rash o f recipes fo r frozen foods from casseroles to jam. When we moved into my kitchen, Ellen showed me the recipe “ Fruited Pot Roast” from the newest o f Better Homes and Gardens cook books. The book ju st out is called So Good With Fruit. In the picture, ju st under the book, Miss Goodin is holding, you can see my new (birthday present from Dick) Dutch oven pan — perfect for this pot roast recipe. You can take an inexpensive cut of meat, 7-bone or round bone (watch the sales), and turn it into the most gourmet meal. Using fru it with meat adds that extra special flavor that shows that extra special touch o f love. As I write this, my fruited roast is simmering and not because company


The follow ing week, we sat at our kitchen counter over a cup o f tea. “ Have another cookie,” I coaxed, “ I baked them especially fo r you.” She was apologetic but insistent. “ Really, I can’t — I ’ve lost ten pounds and I still have five to go. He thinks I should be a little slimmer.” (H e was undoubtedly right, she was fa r more attractive minus the ten pounds.) W e covered, I’m sure, EVERY ­ THING that involved his tastes — from hair styles to garden tools. Frankly, I was amazed that one col­ lege freshman could be so well in­ formed in every area. (Falling in love is w onderful!) I remembered her rather vehement reaction to what she termed “ long­ hair music.” (She had been my piano student fo r several years.) She was suddenly terribly serious. “ You can’t imagine how much I ’ve learned to ap­ preciate Beethoven. He’s really ter­ rific.” I teased, “ And when did you acquire this new appreciation?” She said, “It’s all because o f him.” I was delighted! F or so long she had lived at only a fourth o f her real potential. Her inner life had been in­ hibited and empty. So often she was tongue-tied and nervous— no imagina­ tion, no real purpose. What a difference now! Her emotions were free. She knew what she wanted. The thought of cooking and cleaning didn’t panic her at all — tasks she had form erly de­ tested. When I commented on the obvious changes, she said, “ I know you’re right. Honestly, I feel like a queen, all be­ cause of one man!” That very night as I read the 5th chapter o f Romans, paraphrased in Living Letters, the 17th verse sudden­ ly became fresh and alive: “ The sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to be king over all, but all who will take God’s gift of forgiveness and approval are kings of life because of this one man, Jesus Christ.” Sins forgiven ! Freedom! Joy! New direction! An inheritance incorrupti­ ble! All because of one Man, Jesus Christ! The exclamation marks are inten­ tional ! By Ruth Calkin

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by Joyce Landorf

Ellen Goodin looks over new cook book while Joyce checks Dutch oven pan. is coming, but ju st for the family. The fru it on the cover picture of So Good With Fruit was purchased by Miss Goodin here in Southern Califor­ nia, at the Farmers’ Market and other local stores. The recipes inside are just as delicious as they look on the cover. There are recipes accented with fru it fo r every course o f the meal. When the afternoon with Miss Good­ in ended, I felt so grateful that I’m living in the Sixties, fo r God has been so bountiful to us! “ Be sure to save the date! My wed­ ding dress is almost finished, and it’s perfectly beautiful! I can hardly be­ lieve this is happening to m e!” Only a few sentences in the letter ended with plain periods. Exclama­ tions and superlatives sparked every page. “ He’s the greatest . . . the dear­ est!” Then finally — “ When may I come and tell you ALL about him?” I laughed aloud! W ith six pages o f small, cramped script, I rather assumed the subject o f “ him” had been amply covered. I was so wrong! "WE'LL BE MARRIED JUNE 18th . . ."

JUST FOR TODAY I try to put my love into a song And always fail— As though a child could put the rushing sea Into his pail! We love him, because he first loved us. (I John 4:19) Copyright by Ruth Calkin

Joyce looks over K ING ’S BUSI­ NESS with Ellen Goodin.



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