King's Business - 1967-06

CULTS CRITIQUE b y B e t t y B rueehert

Z i t t i i While visiting or living in Los Angeles, plan to stay at BIOLA HOTEL. Clean, comfort­ able, convenient. Reasonable rates by day- week or month. Dining Room. Next to the historic Church of the Open Door and the Central Los Angeles Public Library. Operated as a public service by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. RATES ON ROOMS Without Bath SINGLES DOUBLE Twin Beds With Bath SINGLE DOUBLE Day $ 2.00 $ 2.50 5 3.50 Day { 3.50 5 5.00 Weak 11.00 <3.50 18.50 Week 22.00 31.00 Month 42.50 52.50 57.50 Month 67.50 77.50

YOLANDA, MARK and ZUMAH T h e UFO controversy has furnished the cults a field day. Everywhere new systems are springing up, claim­ ing contacts with visitors from other planets. One of the wildest and most publicized is the Mark-Age, Inform- Nations, Met-a-Center of Miami, F lo rid a , tax-exempt, “non-profit” group, which claims to impart “ sci­ entific and educational” information about “ our space brothers and sis­ ters” who are “more highly evolved” than earthlings. Although headed by a couple of incredible clairvoyants, calling themselves Yolanda and Mark (their earth-type n a m e s being Pauline Sharpe, 41, and Charles Genzel, 44), by far the most in­ triguing members of the “ team” is Zumah, a small Martian space pilot who cruises alongside in a two-or- three-man spacemobile, guiding the pair as to the best cross-country routes. What a road map! Not only that, but Zumah also communicates to Yolanda revelations from the Mar­ tian and Venusians which she in turn imparts to Mark who tells the world. When pinned down for a de­ scription of Zumah, Yolanda hedges: “ I see him with my spiritual vision. He looks like us but I don’t see him with the same vibrational frequency as earthlings. He is light and vapor­ ous, an astro-projection.” The space ship too is “ visible and invisible”— a kind of “ now you see it, now you don’t,” UFO. Met-a-Center teaches that man did not originate on earth, but in space; that earth once belonged to a federa­ tion of planets to which after 26,000 years it will return; that the U.S. will be the “New JerUSalem,” the center of unification of all creation. They insist that this was the teach­ ing of Jesus, Confucius, and others; that an UFO led the Israelites in the wilderness; that when the majority of our population wish the Martians and Venusians to land, they will and this will be before the end of this century, when we will become a part of a solar system designed to lift man and earth to a higher dimension. Their terms sound like United, I AM, etc.: “ Taking over by Christ Selves will change mankind” ; “ Immortality in mortality” ; “With love and un­ derstanding a new era will dawn.” As for a Saviour: “Your saviour is your own I AM presence.” Reincar- Continued on page 37 THE KING'S BUSINESS

write or telephone for reservations 536 So. Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif. 90017 MAdison 7-9941 DAVE M. HARWELL, Manager

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