enthusiasm will attract and bring in their friends. Then the publicity program should be directed toward the community, to reach as many un churched as possible. Q. How can V.B.S. really be made a part of the entire church program? A. First, seek the pastor’s advice and help. Discuss with him plans to inform and inspire all of the church organizations. Enlist the co-opera tion of all these organizations — W.M.S., Men’s Fellowship and other groups of the church to pray, to publicize and enlist workers. Arrange with the Sunday school superinten dent to present V.B.S. at a Sunday school workers meeting. At the close of the school, invite various organi zations of the church to assist in the follow-up and they will all feel the impact of this ministry. Q. We have difficulty finding a Di rector for our Vacation Bible School each year. What type of person does it take? A. The V.B.S. Director must be a good administrator. He is not ex pected to solve all problems of pub licity, personnel, equipment, finance, etc., singlehandedly. But, like a foot ball coach, he makes plans and guides his team. He delegates duties to com mittee chairmen and other key lead ers, and checks to see that they com plete their assigned tasks on time. Beyond his administrative duties, the Director sets the spiritual pace of the school. His enthusiasm, con cern for souls, and devotion to the Lord and His work spark and en courage his staff. His vision of what God can do through V.B.S. inspires prayer warriors in the church to keep seeking God’s blessing on the school. Q. Should the V.B.S. Director alone make all the decisions regarding the school ? A. The church board should appoint a V.B.S. Council. Generally, it con sists of the Pastor, Christian Edu cation Director, a board member, Sunday School Superintendent, and V.B.S. Director. This council should: Evaluate the previous school. Select the curriculum. Determine the type of school. Decide when and where V.B.S. will be held. Outline preliminary goals. Choose key workers. Organize grading and record system. Set up basic financial plan. Advise the Director.
Purposeful. . . creative.H ACT I ON Programming for High School Youth Groups
Q. Is Vacation Bible School losing its value as a part of the church teaching program? A. Vacation Bible School is under going some changes, brought about by a changing society. However, this in no way affects the value it can be to a church. V.B.S. remains one of the church’s greatest evangelistic opportunities with children. It also provides an unparalleled time of concentrated Bible study. It will do much for workers, expanding their vision, deepening their commitment, giving them the opportunity of truly being “ laborers together with God.” If a church is to have an ef fective Total Church Program, it must include Vacation Bible School. Q. Is it advisable to use teens as workers in V.B.S.? A. Teens make excellent workers in V.B.S. They have energy, enthusi asm, rapport with children, and what’s more — time! If your church plans for a split-level V.B.S. — with the program for Nursery, Beginner, Primary and Junior children at one time, and the school for teens and adults at another time, enlist teens as helpers in the children’s depart ments. They can assist the teachers, gather and prepare materials, help in expressional activity times, and run errands for departmental super intendents. You may uncover some real teaching talent in this way as well. Q. What are some ways of publiciz ing V.B.S.? A. The first publicity thrust should be toward adults in the church, to arouse concern and stimulate prayer, and aid in enlisting workers. The next phase would be to interest and enroll Sunday school pupils. The more eager they are, the more their
Spiritual challenges
. . . gets and HOLDS attention There’s a new look to the Scripture Press Youth Program material (starting Octo ber)— but the changes go deeper than the interesting pictures and contemporary ap pearance. Guides give suggestions and ideas for creative programming to fit the mood and need of your group . . . to help teens grow toward Christian maturity. □ Teens are encouraged to relate Bible answers to their own questions and prob lems. □ Sponsor’s manual gives complete how-to information— tips for putting more pep and purpose into each meeting. Get the facts now. No obligation, of course. For youth in the know and on the t S a for Christ.
Please send free information and samples of Youth ■ Program material for □ Junior High □ High School I □Adult □Free showing of color/sound filmstrip, From Boston |
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JUNE, 1967
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