Church Music (cont. from p. 17) A .: Apparently we have never taken the trouble to tell them. M .L .: N ow , i f y o u don’t le t youngsters handle what you call the junk music, what will we give them with which to let off steam? A .: The Christian life is not a fractional thing. God is glorified as we worship Him in the great hymns o f praise, love and adora tion. These should naturally have priority in the development o f a young person’s musical makeup. But He is also glorified in the nat ural and healthy exuberance o f youth singing folksongs around a campfire o r a fireplace. M .L .: Where can we get some o f these “ exuberance” songs? A .: Inter-Varsity Christian Fel lowship some years ago put out “ Hymns,” a book that did a great deal to improve musical stand ards throughout Protestantism. Inter-Varsity now has come out with a companion book entitled “ Anywhere Sings.” In it are hymns and choruses, a splendid array o f them. In it also are camp and folk songs, some an cient and some modem . These songs are usable at summer as semblies and on campus, as well as in chapel and at home. We highly recommend “ A n y w h e r e Sings,” available from Harvest Publications fo r $1.25. M .L .: A re you against all chorus singing? A .: Not at all. Some o f our finest c h o r u s e s , such as “ Constantly Abiding,” are part o f our supe rior hymns. Singing them apart from the opening lines, as we often do, is wonderful to hear around a campfire o r at a youth rally. M .L .: I know o f a church that ran a “ hootenany,” where young people came with their guitars to sing folk songs. Then at the end o f the evening gospel music and a brief evangelistic talk were giv en. They did this to reach non- Christians who would never come to an ordinary singspiration or hymn-sing.
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