King's Business - 1967-06

A .: W e understand that some o f these musical occasions have been used by the Lord, and we thank God fo r that. The word “ hoote- nany” by its nature is going to stir the hackles o f many older Christians, however, so i f at all possible, another name should be used. Still, i f the Lord blesses a “ hootenany,” who are we to ques­ tion His judgment? M .L .: I know o f a choir director who decided to do something about the musical menu at his church and promptly brought in some concertos that his choir just could not cope with and that put the audience fast asleep. A .: This choir director should sit in a church congregation fo r a few weeks. He would then find that this kind o f music may com­ municate with graduates o f a mu­ sic conservatory, but just does not do anything fo r the average man in the pew. Choir people who bring in music beyond the reach o f plain ordinary persons are as guilty o f poor judgment as eager- beaver song leaders who prance around the platform exhorting us to leap up and down and sing “ hallelu, hallelu!” M .L .: One final question. What hope do you have fo r helping young people appreciate and en­ jo y better music? A .: Dr. Robert Berglund o f Beth­ el College, (St. Paul, M inn.), who’s been championing good mu­ sic fo r years, is hopeful. “ Enough people are now reacting to bad music,” he says, “ so that at least it won’t continue unchallenged. Ministers and choir directors and just plain ordinary people with families are getting good Chris­ tian records and singing solid Christian music in their homes. And in the churches the great hymns that have substantial con­ tent, and will last a person fo r life, are getting a new hearing. This means that our young people may yet grow up with something more spiritually profound than ‘Do Lord’.” M .L .: This sounds encouraging. A .: Indeed it does. HU

K IND Rev. Richard DeHaan Teacher Radio Bible Class W HAT IS KINDNESS? How does it manifest itself? Actually it does not always appear on the surface. For example, a poor widow — who had just been robbed in a confidence scheme by a young man — said, “ I gave him the money because he had such a ‘kind’ face.” But, what can you do with a kind face? T o find the real meaning o f the word, I did a little research. I found that the original expression translated “ kind” in Ephesians 4:32 is CHRES- TEUOMA I, and it means “ to show yourself helpful and useful.” It has nothing to do with the face, but rath' er refers to the hands. This word CHRESTEUOMAI comes from an- other word C H R E S T O S , .which means “ to be employed, or to be busy.” A nd this word “ chrestos” in turn comes from another word CH RAOM A I which means “ to fur' nish that which is needed.” It refers to the use o f the hands in showing kindness by giving “ handouts.” Kind' ness is not a mere expression o f sym­ pathy; it is an A C T . It is a genuine

expression o f interest which shows it­ self in DO ING SOMETHING . The Apostle James places his finger firmly on the matter when he says, “ If a brother or sister be naked, and desti­ tute o f daily food, and one o f you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstand­ ing ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?” (James 2:15, 16). A kind face is not enough until that kindness reaches the hands and the feet as a demonstration o f a true, heartfelt sympathy. Once a poor family’s house was de­ stroyed by fire, and the little four- year-old said she enjoyed it. Asked why, she replied it was because every­ body was so helpful in taking them in, feeding them, and giving them things they had never had before. She con­ cluded by saying wistfully, “ I wish we had another house to burn. Every­ body was so kind!” THOT: "Kindness is LOVE in its work­ ing clothes."

The above selected from the daily devotional guide, OUR DAILY BREAD, as written by Richard DeHaan, Henry Bosch, and the late Dr. M. R. DeHaan, is published monthly by RADIO BIBLE (LASS. OUR DAILY BREAD presents interesting meditations, poems, and a thought for every day of the month. Your copy is waiting for you—FREE and POSTPAID—and is yours just for the asking.

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Pastorology and Evangelism


'Choirs 'Societies PILLSBURY Baptist Bible COLLEGE Dr. B. Myron Cedarholm, President • Owatonna, Minn. 55060 'Intercollegiate Sports

JUNE, 1967


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