King's Business - 1967-06

a message from Ht the editor A

UNUSUAL TOURS INC. 1967 SCHEDULE LANDS O F TH E BIBLE TOUR Enjoy these important features: • LOW COST: 22 days (all expenses included) First Class or better Ho­ tels, Je t A ir Travel. JUST $1,055.00 IM AGIN ATIVE ITIN ER A R Y: Italy, Greece, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Syria and many other areas available. • CONVEN IEN T MON THLY DEPAR­ TURES • T O U R E S C O R T S A N D B IB L E TEACHERS W ITH EVERY TOUR. STUDY TOURS also available for Col­ lege Credit to EUROPE, and SOUTH AM ERICA. TOUR LEADERS: Learn how you can organize your own group. Qualified inquiries invited. COMPARE FEATURES . . . THEN . . . COMPARE PRICES. W rite for FREE Guideline Fact Sheet to help you evaluate Bible Lands Tours. ^ UMJBLMKL. "Feature for feature, there is no COM PARABLE TOUR at this LOW PR IC E/' For complete Information on Any of the Above Write Today: UNUSUAL TOURS INC. La Mirada, California 90638, Dept. K Free: Spiritual Growth booklet tract on GALATIANS 2:20 Write: M ILES J . STANFORD P.O. Box 3035 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907 Author: Principles O f Spiritual Growth (Also titled The Green Letters)




A Distinguished Layman Speaks Out I n t h e M a y , 1966 issue o f The Reader’sDigest an article appeared entitled "Should the Church Meddle in Civil Affairs?” Its author is Mr. J. Howard Pew, Chairman o f the Board o f the Sun Oil Company. He has been President o f the Board o f Trustees o f the General Assembly o f the United Presbyterian Church for the past thirty years, Chairman o f the National Lay Committee o f the National Council o f the Churches o f Christ in the U.S.A., and is a ruling elder in his local church at Ardmore, Pa. His con­ nections are mentioned because they reveal him not only as a man o f outstanding administrative ability but also one who has been in a position through the years to know and understand current trends in his own denomination and in all o f Protestantism. Although his ideas are couched in very polite terms, the entire tenor o f his article presents a stinging indictment o f his denomina­ tion and o f Protestantism as a whole. The following quotations from this article disclose a very disturbed mind because o f the apparent direction in which the "mainstream denominations” are moving. "I am concerned,” writes Mr. Pew, "that many o f the church’s top leaders today are sorely failing its members in two ways: (1) By succumbing to creeping tendency to down-grade the Bible as the infallible Word o f God, (2) By efforts to shift the church’s main thrust from the spiritual to the secular. The strength o f the church in the past has been its reliance upon the Bible as the basis o f ultimate eternal truth . . . the Scriptures have been accepted as the one changeless guide to faith, morals, life. The philosophy o f our day makes all truth relative. Standards, values, ethics, morals — these we are told are subject to change according to the customs o f the times. The effect o f that kind o f thinking has been devastating to the morals o f our times . . . and one brilliant but confused man said to me recently, 'The trouble is we are being asked to play the game o f life without any stable ground rules.’ ” Then Mr. Pew quotes the late Richard M. Weaver, Professor o f English at the University o f Chicago, who stated: "This decay

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