King's Business - 1967-06

Barnes presented a missionary story on flannelgraph. The chil­ dren listened and watched intent­ ly as the life o f one o f God’s great servants was depicted be­ fore them. Their little eyes grew wide and their hearts beat ex­ citedly as they heard o f God’s protection in native jungles, and o f heathen boys and girls who heard o f the Lord Jesus fo r the first time. A t noon time the c h ild r e n needed little encouragement in placing their books in their desks and pulling out lunch sacks. “ Mrs. Barnes, can I . . . I mean, may I, say the blessing on the meal?” requested Ricky, an ani­ mated 10-year-old. Heads auto­ matically bowed as Ricky led out . . . “ Dear God, thank yoq fo r this food. Help all the boys and girls who don’t have nothing . . . who don’t have anything to eat. Thank you fo r sending Jesus to die fo r our sins . . . Amen.” Later in the afternoon Mrs. Barnes noticed that several o f the children seemed to be experienc­ ing that near-the-end-of-the-year drowsiness, and decided to com­ bat it with a testimony meeting. “ Class, how many o f you would like to stand and tell what Jesus Christ has done to change your life ? ” Immediately interest in­ creased, and eyes which were fol­ lowing a squirrel on its perilous trip across a t e le p h o n e wire quickly focused once again on their teacher. Eyes began to spar­ kle, and many hands were again extended into the air. “ Before I received Jesus, I was scared to go to sleep at night. Now I ’m not scared any more.” “ Before I received Jesus I was never happy. Now my brothers JUNE, 1967

me, ‘Why do you always have that silly grin on your face ?’ ” “ Before I received Jesus [if one used a phrase the others liked, they would all play it safe and use the same wording] I never read the Bible. I didn’t even have one. Now that Mrs. Barnes gave me one, I read it all the time.” On and on they continued . . . and i f the students were excited as they shared their testimonies, that ex­ citement was doubled in the heart o f their teacher. The bell rang, and the school day was concluded fo r the chil­ dren. But instead o f rushing fo r the door like a herd o f wild cattle, many o f th em cam e to Mrs. Barnes’ desk and stood patiently in line to recite verses o f Scrip­ ture which they had memorized. Each morning Mrs. Barnes wrote and sisters and Mom and Dad ask a verse on the board which they could memorize i f they desired. A New Testament was given to each student who memorized ten verses or more. These Bibles were provided by the women’s mission­ ary group in Mrs. Barnes’ church. Almost every student in the class had earned their prized posses­ sion. The class had chosen to memorize Scripture rather than poetry fo r their project. Mrs. Barnes felt strongly that most o f the decisions fo r C h r is t were made as a result o f the Word o f God which they were hiding in their hearts. The Holy Spirit tru­ ly used the Word to speak to them. “ For all have sinned,” recited f r e c k l e - f a c e d Judy, “ and come short o f the glory o f God . . . Ro­ mans 3 :23 .” “ Very good, Judy. Now tell me, what does this verse mean?”

“Well, everybody on earth has done bad things . . . and God says that is sin.” “ And do you remember anoth­ er verse which tells more about this sin ?” questioned the teacher. “ Yes Ma’am — Romans 6 :2 3 !” Judy then quoted the verse word perfect, and had no trouble at all in giving its meaning. Most o f the students could give the entire plan o f salvation (with Scripture references). “ Judy, when did you ask Jesus to come into your heart?” “ Last week when Mother and I were going to the store.” “ Please tell me about it !” in­ quired Mrs. Barnes. “ Let’s see, we were going to the store and I remembered what you said about Jesus dying fo r my sins and about asking Him in my heart and I wanted to do it . . . [she took a brief pause fo r an­ other quick gasp o f air and con­ tinued] so when we drove by our church I asked Mother to stop. I ran in and walked up to the front and kneeled down and just asked Jesus to come into my heart. And He did because I ’m so happy!” Many o f the children remained after school to help i f they were needed, but in general they just wanted to be around their teacher and friend. They received fa r more love and attention here than they did at home. One particular evening Mrs. Barnes was gather­ ing her papers and preparing to leave when one o f her former stu­ dents entered the room with a troubled look on her face. “ Hello, Barbara, what is the trouble? I very s e ld om see a frown on your face.” “ Oh, Mrs. Barnes, I have been trying to tell my little sister about Jesus Christ and she just doesn’t seem to understand.” “ Would you like to bring her in to see me sometime after school? Perhaps together we can help her to understand.” Mrs. Barnes was thrilled to see several o f her students who had made their decision fo r Christ working

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