Barnes presented a missionary story on flannelgraph. The chil dren listened and watched intent ly as the life o f one o f God’s great servants was depicted be fore them. Their little eyes grew wide and their hearts beat ex citedly as they heard o f God’s protection in native jungles, and o f heathen boys and girls who heard o f the Lord Jesus fo r the first time. A t noon time the c h ild r e n needed little encouragement in placing their books in their desks and pulling out lunch sacks. “ Mrs. Barnes, can I . . . I mean, may I, say the blessing on the meal?” requested Ricky, an ani mated 10-year-old. Heads auto matically bowed as Ricky led out . . . “ Dear God, thank yoq fo r this food. Help all the boys and girls who don’t have nothing . . . who don’t have anything to eat. Thank you fo r sending Jesus to die fo r our sins . . . Amen.” Later in the afternoon Mrs. Barnes noticed that several o f the children seemed to be experienc ing that near-the-end-of-the-year drowsiness, and decided to com bat it with a testimony meeting. “ Class, how many o f you would like to stand and tell what Jesus Christ has done to change your life ? ” Immediately interest in creased, and eyes which were fol lowing a squirrel on its perilous trip across a t e le p h o n e wire quickly focused once again on their teacher. Eyes began to spar kle, and many hands were again extended into the air. “ Before I received Jesus, I was scared to go to sleep at night. Now I ’m not scared any more.” “ Before I received Jesus I was never happy. Now my brothers JUNE, 1967
me, ‘Why do you always have that silly grin on your face ?’ ” “ Before I received Jesus [if one used a phrase the others liked, they would all play it safe and use the same wording] I never read the Bible. I didn’t even have one. Now that Mrs. Barnes gave me one, I read it all the time.” On and on they continued . . . and i f the students were excited as they shared their testimonies, that ex citement was doubled in the heart o f their teacher. The bell rang, and the school day was concluded fo r the chil dren. But instead o f rushing fo r the door like a herd o f wild cattle, many o f th em cam e to Mrs. Barnes’ desk and stood patiently in line to recite verses o f Scrip ture which they had memorized. Each morning Mrs. Barnes wrote and sisters and Mom and Dad ask a verse on the board which they could memorize i f they desired. A New Testament was given to each student who memorized ten verses or more. These Bibles were provided by the women’s mission ary group in Mrs. Barnes’ church. Almost every student in the class had earned their prized posses sion. The class had chosen to memorize Scripture rather than poetry fo r their project. Mrs. Barnes felt strongly that most o f the decisions fo r C h r is t were made as a result o f the Word o f God which they were hiding in their hearts. The Holy Spirit tru ly used the Word to speak to them. “ For all have sinned,” recited f r e c k l e - f a c e d Judy, “ and come short o f the glory o f God . . . Ro mans 3 :23 .” “ Very good, Judy. Now tell me, what does this verse mean?”
“Well, everybody on earth has done bad things . . . and God says that is sin.” “ And do you remember anoth er verse which tells more about this sin ?” questioned the teacher. “ Yes Ma’am — Romans 6 :2 3 !” Judy then quoted the verse word perfect, and had no trouble at all in giving its meaning. Most o f the students could give the entire plan o f salvation (with Scripture references). “ Judy, when did you ask Jesus to come into your heart?” “ Last week when Mother and I were going to the store.” “ Please tell me about it !” in quired Mrs. Barnes. “ Let’s see, we were going to the store and I remembered what you said about Jesus dying fo r my sins and about asking Him in my heart and I wanted to do it . . . [she took a brief pause fo r an other quick gasp o f air and con tinued] so when we drove by our church I asked Mother to stop. I ran in and walked up to the front and kneeled down and just asked Jesus to come into my heart. And He did because I ’m so happy!” Many o f the children remained after school to help i f they were needed, but in general they just wanted to be around their teacher and friend. They received fa r more love and attention here than they did at home. One particular evening Mrs. Barnes was gather ing her papers and preparing to leave when one o f her former stu dents entered the room with a troubled look on her face. “ Hello, Barbara, what is the trouble? I very s e ld om see a frown on your face.” “ Oh, Mrs. Barnes, I have been trying to tell my little sister about Jesus Christ and she just doesn’t seem to understand.” “ Would you like to bring her in to see me sometime after school? Perhaps together we can help her to understand.” Mrs. Barnes was thrilled to see several o f her students who had made their decision fo r Christ working
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