King's Business - 1967-06

not located overseas. Her heart went out to these precious chil­ dren who, if she were not faithful to witness, might never hear o f the love o f God. A portion o f her story has al­ ready been told. Space will not allow the entire story to be told. Much o f the story is not yet com­ pleted, fo r she is still teaching. In the last school year, all but two in her class o f 35 have wit­ nessed to Mrs. Barnes (and be­ fore the rest o f the class) o f their personal faith in Jesus Christ. Many had led their brothers and sisters to the Saviour. Most o f the children carried their well-earned New Testaments to class with them and many c a r r ie d large family Bibles. What o f the parents’ reaction? Mrs. Barnes asked her class near the end o f the school year to tell their parents o f their decision fo r Christ i f they had not done so already. Many o f the parents al­ ready knew and were helping their boys and girls review their memory verses each day. O f the reports received back from the p a r e n t s , not one discouraging comment was returned to Mrs. Barnes. Many sent their thanks fo r her willingness to teach their children moral and spiritual les­ sons, along with t h e i r regular subjects. Is it possible fo r a public school teacher to witness o f a peronal faith in J e su s C h r i s t ? Mrs. Barnes’ story is just one o f un­ told hundreds across our nation. The vocation o f a Christian teach­ er is one o f the highest mission­ ary callings in our world today. She paid the price o f extra prep­ aration, after-school h o u r s o f counseling, and many hours o f Bible study and prayer. The re­ ward . . . well, it began the day following her first feeble effort to witness — when several bright­ eyed y o u n g s t e r s raised their hands and asked . . . “ Mrs. Barnes, will you please tell us about Jesus Christ again, as you did yesterday?” And she did. EE

Classified Ads 15 CENTS PER WORD — MINIMUM $3.00 Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale ;— All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — A ny size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. K B, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506 RELIGIOUS BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD! Any book reviewed or advertised in KING'S BUSI­ NESS available from Kregel's Book Store, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503. Bibles Rebound W rite for illustrated price list from Nation's largest Bible rebinding specialists. W ork Guaran­ teed. Norris Bookbinding Company, 122 Stone, Greenwood, Mississippi 38930. Help Wanted Large Rescue Mission needs additional staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com­ pensation. W rite P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. GLENDALE-ALL IANCE CONVALESCENT HOSPI­ T A L needs licensed vocational nurses, nurses aides (on job training if necessary), janitor, dish­ washer, housekeeping help. Good salaries, fringe benefits. Call M iss Junette Johnson, Alliance Convalescent Hospital at 247-4476. Or write: 1505 Colby Dr., Glendale, C alif. 91205. M AGIC C LIM A X V ISU A L AID S — 200 complete with objects. Free sample. ALSO, Musical Cow­ bells, Sleighbells, Chorded Clusters, Concert Glasses, Mystery Therem in. Term s. Loaner Tape. W estphal, 1401 Ohio, Michigan C ity, Ind. 46360. with vast sums o f money. The ec­ clesiastical hierarchy in the various denominations is not in the least con­ cerned about what the men say or write as long as the money rolls in fo r their programs. It would be a wonderful thing if these distin­ guished laymen would put wings to their words and unitedly refuse to add another penny to the coffers o f these Christ-denying church leaders. It would either drive them to their knees in penitence or drive them out o f the ministry. E ither conclusion would be a vast improvement over the present conditions. EDITORIAL Continued from page 28

like little “ Andrews” to bring their brothers and sisters to the Saviour. The school was located in a rather rough section o f town, and the great majority o f the chil­ dren came from broken homes. Many o f Mrs. Barnes’ students were “ boarded out” to friends and relatives simply because the parents didn’t want the responsi­ bility. Boys and girls from that area came to school with bruises inflicted by drunken parents. One boy came too sleepy to do his school work because his mother’s boy friend had slept in his bed. Another reported to the principal that his sister was unable to at­ tend because she hadn’t any coat to wear. It was the middle o f winter. Into such a situation God placed Mrs. Barnes. Oh, she had heard all the reports o f the limits placed upon a public school t e a c h e r which made it nearly impossible fo r them to mention God in the classroom. But as she witnessed the needs o f her children during the year, she felt a tremendous burden fo r their souls. She real­ ized that only Christ was able to meet their needs and change their lives. She began praying, and asked many Christian friends and those at her church to pray also that she might have an opportu­ nity to witness to her class o f the love o f God through His Son, Je­ sus Christ. Looking back on the year, Mrs. Barnes could clearly see the way in which God a n sw e r e d those prayers. One day a reference to the Bible was made on a televi­ sion program which the class was watching. Several questions were raised by the children and Mrs. Barnes was thrilled to answer them. She was even more sur­ prised and shocked to learn o f their total ignorance concerning the Word o f God. Most o f them had never heard o f Jesus Christ dying on the cross fo r their sins — many had never entered a church o f any k ind ! She began to realize that all mission fields are

(See helpful advertisement inside front cover)



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